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"Misguided racists"

Posted: Jul 28, 2013

I have read several comments on this board whereby anyone not completely agreeing with black LIBERAL leader is immediately called a racist.  That is racism to the extreme.  That indicates that no man is capable of being judged by anything other than the color of skin, regardless of how good or bad his character is. Problem is on this board, those screaming the loudest about racism are the biggest offenders.  They want to make the choice for others as to what “blacks are acceptable” because of their Liberal bents and then hide behind the skin color to insult others – How much more insulting can you get?   Examples listed below for those slow on the comprehension.

 #1.  Fast N’ Furious:   Lying under oath about Fast N’ Furious, covering it up, disrespecting the lives lost as a result of their mismanagement speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #2.  Obamacare:  Lying about what it will cost, how many full-time jobs will be lost, businesses that suffer, disregard for the Constitution, attempting to force honorable, faithful people to spit on their faith, pandering to special interest groups, speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #3.  Four plus years without budget, driving the USA further and further in debt, speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #4.  Increasing poverty of the USA by 2% in less than 4 years, increasing food stamp enrollment rather than job growth by almost double speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #5.  Benghazi:  Lying under oath about Benghazi, covering it up, disrespecting the lives lost as a result of their mismanagement speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #6.  IRS scandal:  Targeting people simply because they disagree with you and divulging their private records to try and intimidate them, lying about it, covering it up, disrespecting the lives you trampled, speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #7.  NSA:  Speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #8.  Refusal to secure the borders to keep ALL Americans safe, speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #9.   Asking your neighbor to spy on if you speak out against Obama:  speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

 #10.  Continually engaging in race baiting:  speaks to LACK OF HONOR; has nothing to do with color

There are several black leaders and strong men in their own right WITHOUT OBAMA that have been mentioned on this board, but because they were not of the  Liberal communist cloth, they were ridiculed and called names.  Here’s a few for those with memory problems:


Colonel West

Kevin Orr

Dr. Ben Carson

Charles Payne

Tim Scott

Condaleeza Rice

Martin Luther King

Alveda King

Herman Cain





misguided racists - right-on

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You are exactly right, OP! And there are more and more black leaders speaking out against the NAACP and other racist organizations. Racism works both ways. It isn't limited to one race. Obama and his buddies Al and Jesse are the biggest race-baiters in my lifetime.

PERFECT POST AND COMPLETELY TRUE!! - Obama could be white - Wait a minute, he is! and

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He is still rude, arrogant, ignorant, racist, inept, incompetent, over his head, obnoxious, classless, narcissitic...and the list goes on, no matter what color he wants to lay claim to. You can't fix stupid, especially when they refuse to address the REAL problems, not the phony crises that Obama invents...Like Sandra Fluke...we all remember that idiot!

Obama Invented Sandra Fluke? - Seriously?

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All due respect to you, I would not exactly give President Obama the credit for "inventing" Sandra Fluke. I believe Rush Limbaugh the man himself would disagree with you on that one. Were it not for Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke the names and saying those over-the-top things that he did about her on national radio and putting the spotlight on her (which I will not be repeating here), Sandra Fluke, in my opinion, would not even be a topic of conversation here because you would have probably never heard of her. Rush Limbaugh put her front and center. I personally did not agree with Sandra Fluke's position, but I do remember her, of course, and just because I do not agree with her political point of view on the issues she spoke about, I do not think she remotely qualifies as an "idiot."

The same thing could be said for President Obama. You see, just like Rush Limbaugh lost his credibility (as well as many, many of his sponsors) when he called Sandra Fluke all those names, like his politics or not, Obama is a Harvard educated man who does not exactly qualify as "ignorant."

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but calling someone a long list of names because you don't agree with their political points of view will usually cause you to lose more credibility than the person you're attacking. I'm sure Rush Limbaugh could explain to everyone exactly how that happens to come about.

I also think you can fix stupid. It's called education. The first lesson in "Stupid 101" is this:

Just because someone does not agree with you does not make them "ignorant" or "inept" or an "idiot." Everyone would sound a lot more intelligent if they could somehow grasp that basic concept.

Very good post. Just stating the facts - Mrs. Tingles

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It is really sad that the country is so divided. It's not even 50/50. You have a small minority of people screaming racism, but because the lame stream media focuses on them people think its wide spread.

Most of us are trying to focus on issues and facts that affect each and every one of us. We try and look at the issues and what it all means, but it doesn't help when you can't talk about an issue without being called names, and yet as you pointed out all those issues you brought up has nothing to do with race.

There are many prominent black people I would love to see make it further. People with good ideas, good voting records, and who truly care about the country. I also don't understand how how can agree with issues and voting record of one person who is black, but if you don't agree on everything with Obama you are called a racist.

I think it is just a very very sad time in our country that someone who is supposed to be the president, is supposed to be uniting and working together with ALL people (ALL races, ALL political parties, ALL religions, ALL everything), but instead the division gets worse and worse.

I'm still hopeful that everything will work out. I'm hopeful that our prayers will work out. I think many of us want what is best for the country. Jobs for everyone, good education for our kids, decent health care plan that is not socialized, and is affordable for all, a future for us and our kids. It would be nice if our politicians from all sides would work together and stop fighting and dividing us.

Great post. Thanks for sticking with the facts.

the loudest mouths - right on

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If you'll notice, even though these groups may be small in number, they have really big mouths. They get heard because they're so obnoxious and loud. And they appeal to people who enjoy sensationalism. Unfortunately, there are a lot of feeble-minded people in this country who are easily manipulated and brainwashed into thinking obama is their savior. They follow him like sheep being led to the slaughter.

Why - is it

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that just because you support the president, you are accused of being "feeble-minded, easily manipulated and brainwashed into thinking Obama is their savior," or a "sheep being led to the slaughter?"
why indeed - sm
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meanwhile, my post gets deleted for using the phrase "comprehension issues". It's beyond the pale.
Because you went after and ridiculed a poster directly - Moderator - sm
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I don't know how more simpler to explain it. When you attack a poster and all your post is meant is an attack ridiculing, calling someone stupid, saying that poster has comprehension issues (stupid or whatever) it gets deleted. You didn't talk about anything political in your post and didn't even talk about what the OP wrote about. Your sole purpose was to ridicule and insinuate someone is stupid. It is not tolerated here. Don't know what part of do not ridicule posters you don't understand and refuse to comply with.

Stating your opinion about issues and how you feel about things in general is one thing, going after specific posters is another.

It's beyond the pale why you refuse or are unwilling to understand that.
then let us embrace feeble-minded - sm
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So glad you think you know what my "sole purpose" is.

So which poster in specific did she point out - and say "you" are feeble-minded
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She didn't say anyone here was feeble minded. She gave her opinion about what she thought.

There is a difference between giving your opinion and directly calling a poster a name or ridiculing them.

Again, which poster did she call feeble-minded?

I'll wait.
Clarification - Please
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Is this statement correct:

It is okay to post a broad sweeping statement that ridicules and insults a broad swath of posters personally (i.e., "liberal communist cloth" or "misguided racists--this board is full of them," addressing posters on the board), but not okay to ridicule a poster directly.

Sounds like the Tea Party. - nm.

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Thanks for bringing truth back to the board - sorely needed on this subject

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I don't get your point. Are liberals supposed to not justifiably riducule someone - just because they are black?NM

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**************- trying READING - the entire post

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********* to understand what was posted. ***************

Nobody is supposed to ridicule anybody - Moderator - sm

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There is no justification to ridicule anyone and it will not be tolerated.

Hey moderator - 2 dislikes on this ROFLMAO - Guess they want to ridicule

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Either someone has it in for you. I notice a lot of the hateful posts ridiculing people, calling people racist, haters, commies, etc are gone. Guess they want freedom to insult. LOL
is this political? - nm
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yes it belongs here. In case you couldn't tell i was - replying to the Moderator.
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Just because you don't like my post. I replied to the moderator. I agree with her post and I think its funny that she got 2 disliked all for saying that people shouldn't be ridiculed.

So, if I replied to the moderator about her post, yes it belongs here.

I was referring to the OP's use of the word "ridicule" with respect to liberals - & Con black leaders

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OP's last paragraph said liberals called conservative black leaders names because they "were not of the Liberal communist cloth." I merely asked if liberals were supposed to support a politician just because he was black.

I wasn't using ridicule in the sense of ridiculing another poster (as the OP did profusely and rudely in his/her post), rather as ridiculing (and using the OP's word) politicians.

If ridiculing won't be tolerated, then OP's post should be deleted completely.
No where did OP ridicule anyone in post - Trying to misrepresent post for own benefit
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Very clear that OP was referring to conservative black leaders that were ridiculed on this board (check the archvies - tons of insults there). Not one sentence in that post ridicuiled any poster, but heh - if the shoe fits. Just saying.

agree - nm
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"Misguided racists--This board is full of them" Your right, not one - just all the Democrats NM
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But apparently that's okay.
Well since we're all a bunch of racist commie - low-info voters,
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I guess we better just keep our mouths shut on this board and let the moderator and republicans have their lovefest.
I'm trying to get rid of all the insults. - Moderator - sm
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Don't know why you are putting me in one side, because I'm getting the same messages from the conservatives. You all think I am playing favoritism. You are all ignoring the fact that I'm deleting insults from the side you don't agree with. I'm not going to delete and get rid of their insults and leave your sides up.

I don't see anything in her post that said anyone is a low info voter. I have removed the other offending words out.

That's probably the most accurate post I have ever seen on this board. - Thank you! - Abby

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It's more likely the most INACCURATE post... - just saying

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Posting opinion as fact does not make it so.

Which part is inaccurate? Be specific, please. - nm

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Confused? - just saying
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All of the statements were opinion posted as fact, therefore all of it was 'inaccurate'.

I'm not the one who is confused, but have a great day. - Abby
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I see you can't answer her question. - nm
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And the spin doctos are out - try doing a little - research, everything OP posted is FACT
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No one owes you research or needs to explain the FACTS to ***. ALL THE FACTS ARE THERE - Libs just don't want to be bothered with them as usual. Here's a thought - stop posting rude comments on this board, trying to belittle others you disagree with, and actually do some research on your own, instead of demanding from others what you refuse to do yourself. Just saying
oh but sadly you are so confused... - just saying
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Let me state this again: The OP post was a laundry list of opinion, stated AS IF IT was unchallenged FACT.

It is not fact, it is opinion written AS fact, and therefore, it will be dismissed by many for just that reason.

If I saw a laundry list of opinion-as-fact from a 'liberal' bent, I would call that out too. Sadly, I think you just don't comprehend the DIFFERENCE between personal opinion and DOCUMENTED fact.

And again I ask you to defend and define 'liberal commie'
The OPs post was fact based - sm
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1. Fast-n-furious not being about race is a fact, not an opinion (research it for yourself. None of the evidence of that subject has anything to do with race).

2. Lying about cost is not about race is a fact, not an opinion. Lying is in general is not race oriented. When someone tells a lie they are telling a lie. Has nothing to do with race.

3. Lying under oath is not about race is a fact not an opinion. In fact lying under oath is an offense people are put into jail for. Again, it's not about race...fact.

The rest of her facts were just that. They are facts. All the issues she brought up are events that are happening that have nothing to do with race and anyone trying to make them into something they are not are confused.

You are the one who is not understanding the difference between a fact and opinion.

1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. . Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.

1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.

All of the OPs statements fall under "facts".
I still don't get the point. Those incidents have nothing to do with - a lot of things, so why
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bring race into it?

One might as well substitute "race" with "liver." So what? There is no correlation or relation.

I'm not the poster, "just saying," btw.
The reason why race is brought into is - direct correlation - sm
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When conservative posters try to have a conversation about those issues, sharing articles or news stories we are met with being called racists (oh yeah, and that any articles we may post are not valid (i.e. on their approved list of sources)). Nobody knows our race, yet we are told we are racists for discussing issues. Some even go as far to do the mind reading routine that they "know the reason why we post something" then end it with calling us racists. All of the OPs numbers were tried to be discussed here, but some thought they'd try and silence us by using the fear tactic word of racist.

Nobody called anyone a "liver". Posters were called "racists".

That's okay if you didn't know this. I know the moderator has been trying to clean up the board and boy does she have her work cut out for her. :-)

Not any of the posters that posted here about this, just wanted to give you a little background on it and why it is relevant.
Thanks, but I thought issues brought up were supposed to be - political
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Not posts addressing personally or a group of people that posts here.

The OP's post had nothing to do with politics or a political issue, incident or policy, but everything to do with insulting a group that posts here.
All of the OPs points ARE in fact political and has everything - to do with politics - sm
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1. Fast N Furious is political.

2. Obamacare is political.

3. No budget is political.

4. Increasing poverty in the US is political.

5. Benghazi is political.

7. NSA is political.

8. Refusal to secure borders is political.

9. The gvt asking your neighbors to spy on you is political.

10. Racism in this country is political (well maybe that borders more on social, but it was made political by Obama).

The OPs post had everything to do with politics. Not the OP, but I gather she's tired of trying to have a discussion about issues without being met with accusations of being called a racist. Sometimes we feel that we need to put up a list of subjects that we are interested in to make sure we get approval from a lot of people on this board to see whether it is okay to talk about them. Otherwise we are called racists.

I believe the only group that is insulted or offended by the post are the ones who are (or want to do) the name calling. Otherwise nobody should have a problem with it, because what she wrote is true. None of those subjects on the list has anything to do with race, so why be called one, especially by people who don't know what race we are.

I would really like to have a discussion here about those topics she brought up, but it's hard to when anyone who posts something that others don't like or agree with are met with name calling, ridiculing, the "oh for pete's sake (or heaven's sake)" mockery. Told that all of our sources are not valid (thanks but no thanks or you gotta be kidding me). Both sides do a bit of it, but yes, one group more than the other.

Just losing the meaning of why we have this board. To discuss political issues. I believe we are all adults here, so why can't people just have a good discussion about the issues and not be called names or made fun of. Sometimes you just have to say "I respectfully disagree with you", but instead I guess it's more fun to bully up on posters. I was repeatedly beat up by a bully in grammar school and when I'd ask him why he was beating me up he would say "because your last name is ----". That's the same feeling I get when I come here. Being beat up because I'm not part of the liberal group.

That's all I'm saying. I just hope the board gets better.
Thank you for bringing truth to the board - Others too ***** to do the research
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That is required. Pretty clear the namecallers were flushed out with what tHe OP wrote. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE OF THEM PUT A FACT TO DISPUTE the OP. Pretty telling they have no facts to support their POV; so, shoot right to the constant namecalling/attacks.
The fact is the OP was calling liberals racists then - citing incidents
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that can be argued depending on POV.

However, the OP's only point was to call liberals commies and racists. It was in the subject line.

It's not a viable argument and definitely not a fact, so how would one argue something that is a non-fact in the first place? The OP did nothing to support his/her POV.

GW's illegal war could have been added to the list, but it too would have been unrelated to race.
So we should all sit back and be called racists - when we are trying to discuss a topic
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and be happy about it and never say anything?
No, but you can't arbitrariliy bring up a bunch of things - that have never been
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linked to race and have nothing to do with race, and reach a conclusion or try argue that liberals are racist commies.
I'm not saying that liberals are racist commies - what I am saying is
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those subjects she brought up have been tried to be discussed here but we were met with being called racist when it had nothing to do with it.

I'm not saying that all liberals are racist commies. I think some truly believe the democrats are the same as they were when JFK was around. That simply is not true. Neither is the republican party like it was when Reagan was around. However, there are liberals who are in fact communists and some are racists, just like there are some conservatives who are neocons.

But when it all boils down to it there is no difference in the parties. I feel its best to belong to no party.
Boy are YOU way off - OP stated none of that
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Stop spinning before you fall down and hit your head.
I think it's really rude to raise the issue of - personal injury
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:-) lol - sm
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I guess personal injury is all that can be resorted to when one does not have the material to respond appropriately other than cut and paste techniques :-)

Looks like it's been brought up to the top again, but I'm not going to even touch it. What a waste.

Here is what is a little scary about your post - just saying
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You don't even seem to grasp the CONCEPT that what was posted originally, and then simply restated here is OPINION.

It's almost laughable until one considers the ramifications of such a thought process.

Is anyone else will to try to enlighten these people as to why the statements AS WRITTEN constitute opinion? (I think the posters believe that since they mention SOMETHING factual in the statement it follows that ALL of the statement must be true).
Everything about your polst is scary - Every single point of OP post
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Can be verified through several sources. Guess easier for the ********** to go into attack mode rather than reserach mode. ********, but typical. Just saying.
research challenged? pathetic? - going after posters are we? ridiculing?
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enjoy your free reign.
That's why I don't read her posts anymore - the poster she responded to
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There are a few of them I just don't read anymore because all they are trying to do is stir up trouble and fights. Look like she's getting her way with a couple of them. So I find it easier just not to read her posts. Nothing written is based on facts, so I just stay clear.

Thanks for your reply.

"Posting opinion as fact does not make it so. " - Describes YOUR posts to a "T"

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just sayin
Oh but I didn't... - just saying
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I did NOT post a litany of opinion as if it were fact. Please if you cannot defend the OP post, that's fine, but this type of response is the equivalent to saying "i know you are but what am I?" and sticking out your tongue :)

You posted nothing but opinion - just saying

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But yes, one CAN criticize the president WITHOUT being a racist. That said, you posted many ******** accusations as if they are unquestionable facts.


P.S. I really challenge you to define 'LIBERAL' communist. Clearly you are confused as to the meaning of each term, but I would really like to see you defend and define the coined term.

Still waiting for... - just saying

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the OP (or any of his/her supporters) to define/defend 'liberal communists'

Replying to a post is an option, not a requirement - Mrs. Tingles - sm

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Don't know if you read that in the TOS. Nobody is required to reply to anyone. Could be that she is not replying to you because you've been rude in your posts... Just saying
No one is saying she HAD to reply :) - just saying
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Nothing 'rude' at all in my posts, they are just not sugar-coated. The OP started the thread and I challenged him/her - and he/she chose NOT to take my challenge, i.e., to defend their position. So it is just this and nothing more. Deal with it.
Then why are you still waiting. If she wants to reply - she will
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Posts were rude. Probably why she isn't.

You do know there is a civil way to discuss things without being rude. Deal with it yourself.
I don't understand these allegations - sm
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not the person you were responding to, but I see no evidence of rudeness.
Can anyone, then, define "liberal communist"? - another poster
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And I just reread posts by Just Saying, and they were not rude in any way.

Maybe accusations of them being rude stem from some feeling intimidated by request for accountability of their words.
Liberal communist - New poster
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Liberal: of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism

Conservative: One favoring traditional views and values.

Communist: a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes.

So I guess a liberal communist, even though they are similar, they are a little different. A lot of communists have infiltrated the democrat party, just as a lot of neocons have infiltrated the republican party, but really there is no difference in any of the parties.

So back to the question, I would guess a liberal communist is a person who says they are a liberal but actually has the beliefs and ideations of the communist party.

Funny thing this question came up because my mother is a liberal communist. She lists herself as a liberal on paper, yet her beliefs are communist. She is proud of it and that is what she told me. She said the country would be better served under communist rule. So my guess is a liberal communist is one of listing liberal/democrat as your party, but agreeing with the communist party.

Which I find is funny she actually has the gall to say this to me since I served to protect her from that.
Right. And saying the board is full of "misguided - racists" is inviting pleasant
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Laughing my butt off all the way to the farm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just another typical - NK
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"I-am-not-a-racist-look-I-even-have-a-list-of-acceptable-blacks-to-prove-it" thread. Amusing, indeed.

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