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May 1, 2003
Posted: May 3, 2011

Yep. His admin caught Khalid Sheikh - Mohammed...who the
[ In Reply To ..]
Obama admin wanted to bring to New York to try, by the way, for us to pay for...yeah O team (not). His admin also okayed "enhanced" interrogation techniques by the CIA which elicited the information which lead to bin Laden (said interrogations conducted by the same CIA who eventually found him)...
And by the way, if I am not mistaken Bush flew out to this carrier who had been instrumental in Desert Storm. Those men on that carrier DID think THEIR mission was accomplished and it was.
I am SO grateful he was President then, and not Obama. I shudder to think what shape we would have been in had the 9-11 attacks occurred on Obama's watch and he had had to make a decision that quickly.
By the way, has Obama ever acted on the aid request the governor of Texas sent to him? Guess he was too busy releasing his BC, going on Oprah and killing Osama. He has been a busy little bee, hasn't he?
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