A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Oct 29, 2013

LETTER FROM YOUNG DOCTOR TO THE PRESIDENT: (A doctor's point of view) Barack Hussein Obama The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.Washington, DC 20500 Mr. President, I was born at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. My mother would later take a job delivering babies in that same operating room only a couple years later. My parents got a divorce when I was young. There were many times during the summer when she would be forced to take my sister and me to work with her. I vividly remember the child version of myself walking the halls of the same floor I was born on in fascination as the years passed. The anesthesiologists used to bring us candy and watch movies with us. When the holidays came, a nurse by the name of Patty Vaughn (we called her Granny),would have bags of presents for my sister and me. Donna Smith, a surgical first assistant who came to America from Canada to work in a free-market healthcare system, use to babysit us. Donna’s two-story town-home became a 3rd home (2nd was the hospital). We spent countless nights at her house.Patty passed away when I was ten. I still remember the last box of moon pies she gave me for Halloween that year. To this day every time I see a moon pie I think of her. Donna helped me through my undergrad at Belmont University. With tuition at $30k/year money was tight. Donna never let me go without a meal.You see Mr. President, the smell of sterile operating rooms, horrible coffee, crisp white coats, and cold metal was my destiny. The first time someone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I responded, “Anesthesiologist”. I had no idea what they even did, but it was the first big word I learned to pronounce as a 6-year-old. The hospital is my family. It’s all I’ve ever known. Twenty-one years after my birth, in the same hospital, I listened to a fetal heart beat through my very own stethoscope as a student. You know, it’s quite magical. As the cool, metallic bell lies upon the tight skin of a young mother’s stomach anxiety, fear and joy are all present in her face. A week before my birthday I stood at the side of the laboring mother. There’s no other way to explain childbirth than witnessing the face of God. The emotion is enveloping. You can only try (unsuccessfully) to hold the tears back. I knew at that moment what a gift God had given me. To be allowed the involvement of such a beautiful, pure moment was not to be unappreciated.When I started college I knew where I was going. You had just won the election. I remember the cameras focusing in on Oprah Winfrey’s face. Tears streamed down. At the time, I knew nothing about politics. My biggest concern was a girl in my Anatomy & Physiology class I had a crush on. I paid little attention to Washington DC. I worked hard. Multiple all-nighters, falling asleep behind the wheel of my car countless times,thousands of shots of espresso (I actually took a job at Starbucks to support the habit) and 15k note-cards later I had graduated in the top 5% of the country. However, during those last few years something changed.We studied medical legislation for an entire semester. It’s no secret that the federal government has over-burdened the healthcare market, which has manifested astronomical costs to consumers.However, in 2010, democrats forced through the partisan Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act(Obamacare), which was later funded by both democrats and republicans.Since the passage of Obamacare everything has changed. When I started college I never intended to work for the government. I never thought I’d have a government bureaucrat dictate what I was worth to the market, and I certainly never imagined those same bureaucrats (who have absolutely no medical training) telling me how to treat my patients.I remember the day Obamacare became law. I was sitting in the hospital working in the anesthesia department part-time to cover the costs of tuition. Dr. Alfery, a mentor of mine, looked over at me and said, “Run–It’s not too late to change majors.” Your legislation has caused countless doctors to go into retirement early, opt for cash-only practices,and has discouraged bright, young minds from entering the field.With student loans reaching $300k, incalculable opportunity costs and 8 years lost to school, students seeking medical degrees give their lives to the practice. Starting our careers at 30 while dictating to show much money we can make is nothing short of destroying all incentive to enter the field. Since that day I’ve yet to find a doctor who recommends the field. People respond to my complaints,“It’s still going to be a good job”. I don’t want a “good job”. I have not fought for a government entitlement of a “good job”. I want an incredible career. That’s what I have fought tirelessly for. I have been on a path to enter the Air Force and continue my education in medicine. I have been dreaming of specializing in pediatric neurosurgery for half a decade.After quite literally losing my hair from the internal conflict, considering the sunk costs and evaluating different avenues I have decided.I have decided that I believe in the principles of a truly free-market, and I trust the free-market. Because of this deep, internal value system I cannot, with clear conscience, continue on this path. My life has value. Such value cannot be calculated by Washington bureaucrats. I won’t allow it. Only a true free -market can accurately assess the value I am capable of. Mr President, I’m leaving the medical field. I’m hanging up the white coat. However, let me be clear. You have not won. Unless something “changes”, you’ve lost and will continue to lose. You will fail because you lack principle. Meanwhile, we will succeed because we are born of principle. Regards,Michael Gordon Lotfi http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/28/im-hanging-up-the-white-coat-the-disgusted-obamacare-letter-from-a-former-health-care-worker-to-president-obama/ ;

And so - it begins

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the decline.

Thank you, Mr. President! May you stand before God with your head hung in shame! May you reap the consequences of your actions.

An American No Longer Proud

You can sign my name to that letter. - LM

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You sure? QUALITY of care has been RISING - since passage. Finally. This

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doctor can still have his "brilliant career," everything he wants. Some physicians will even still be able to use illness as a path to wealth, although BIG BUSINESS has been cutting back on what it pays physicians for the past 3 decades, long before Obamacare came along.

Sound familiar? Yup, exactly what's been happening to our incomes, just at a different socioeconomic level.

In any case, what's more important to you? GOOD care for you, or lots of money for him?

I really do not think that the - passage of Ocare

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is going to offer "GOOD" care for me or anybody else. Govt regulation of that is taking the quality out of it and putting money into it. Yes, money has always been a factor in it, but now it is "demanded" from the consumer and that can never be "good" for the consumer end of it. Ocare is going to take away the quality for the senior citizens of this country, because he figures they are going to die anyway, so why bother. Just keep 'em alive long enough so he can get his hands on their social security, pensions, 401k's, and whatever else they have invested in their futures, and then just let 'em die. good quality care will be totally absent after the age of 50, just when they need it most. you just wait and see.

What's most important to me is to be able to have or not have insurance, or anything else I choose, as I see fit...not demanded by a govt who has no interest in my well being in any way, shape, or form...only my money.
Passage, OC was passed over 3 years ago, - and results are being MEASURED. This
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isn't an "I think" issue so much as an "I have read up and learned that" issue.

Obamacare has had many provisions already in effect specifically designed to raise standards of care. We KNOW quality is going up. The questions are how effectively is each of the regulations achieving its goal so far and what tweaks might they need to be even more effective -- not if they are effective at all.

As for cost of a good, etc., capitalism in healthcare is alive and flourishing. It hasn't gone anywhere. An awful lot of the noise from business is really because Obamacare is encouraging genuine competition to control prices. A major principle of capitalism is that competition is critical to setting reasonable prices. They DON'T like that. Well, tough, right?

In any case, please remember, even if there are areas that need improvement, its goal is to get YOU more and better healthcare that you can afford.

How'd you like to be in your position in life and have no Medicare or Social Security waiting for you because their enemies succeeded in destroying them? Those enemies then were exactly the same ones who are attacking Obamacare today. And for all the same reasons. Some valid, others venal and despicable.
well it has already been proven - and stated that
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Ocare is not going to "reduce" costs to something I can afford. Any insurance we have now, and were told we could keep, is not happening. We have to give it up after one more year. If I cannot afford it now, how am I ever going to afford it when and if it becomes available to the public, which at this rate is questionable due to the site now working correctly. My future Medicare and Social Security are already in jeopardy and not from the enemies seeking to destroy them. Ocare is seeking to destroy them... AND America and it is already doing its job. There is nothing you can say to dissuade me from this. Your research is not my research. I see both sides, and the side that I am seeing most is the bad side. At least for me and my situation, and for most seniors out there.
Well, I'm sorry. If you're correct, we should change the - laws that don't allow begging
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and sleeping on the streets. Just in case.

Back before Social Security most places didn't have those laws, of course, or at least enforced them only for "nicer" parts of town, because destitution was common.

One more thing to worry about, right? I usually read up when I need to know something, but I just did a search for how to be an effective beggar and am sorry to say didn't find anything at all on Amazon. Obviously we've gotten a little spoiled here in the past 60 years, but I for one would be sorry to return to the old ways if it came to that.

Good luck.
Worried That Socialist Program Will Hurt Your....... Social Programs? - *Seriously
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If the ACA can survive the implementation period like Social Security and Medicare did during their time, some experts say the next generation may find it hard to believe that there ever was a time when the political rancor over the program was so intense and people called it socialism and government interference in their freedom. The argument is the same for each issue.

Haven't you heard that Social Security (that even contains the word!) is socialist and will be the end of democracy as we know it? It's all there in the history books. Maybe you are old enough to remember the arguments against Medicare and how that was a socialist program and would be the end of our freedom as we know it?

Not liking the Republican created Heritage Foundation/Republican Think Tank/Romneycare blueprint so much? I agree that a single-payer system or "Medicare For All" would have been so much better for seniors, but, alas, the conservatives wanted nothing to do with Medicare for all, they called that the same thing they called Social Security and the original Medicare..... you guessed it! Socialism.

So now, let me get this straight.... You are actually worried that the ACA must be stopped because it will interfere with your *gulp* receipt of government socialist program funds?

Oh, the irony!
SOCIAL security - shadoe
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Do you remember that we have been paying for Medicare and Social Security our whole working lives?
I just want what I've been putting in all these years!
Those wanting to protect their investment should be - careful NOT to support efforts to destroy SS. NM
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Hear! Hear! - Thank you.
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it is not theirs, it is ours! It is not just another program the govt gets to put their filthy hands on and say they get to use it to their benefit. The working taxpayers put into this program all of their working years. It is NOT an "entitlement" program that is a handout from the govt. It is NOT "socialist" it is SOCIAL.
What you've put in is already gone. - nm
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Worried About Your Social Security? - Seriously
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"Just let 'em die"? Seriously? You think the objective of the ACA is to kill people so that the government can get their money by age 50, kind of like, "out with the old, in with the new?" Yeah, right, cause everyone knows a newborn baby can way outearn a 50-year-old and keep the money flowing into the government coffers and that teenagers and younger workers are the big wage earners in this country. Um... Uh... Oh, wait! *Bangs head* If the government's objective is to get your money, keeping you alive and earning and paying into the system is their best way to get it.

That darned govern-mint is trying to keep people alive and healthy and productive members of the US economy. Go figure!

The only imminent threat I see to my Social Security is the Conservatives who are trying to shove chained CPI down everyone's throat and trying to get the current POTUS to do their dirty work for them.
Agree heartily with all -- except chained CPI. It's just - a more accurate number is all. Funny that
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the GOP, which is famous for insisting on using phony numbers to underpay benefits, is in this case on the "good" (i.e., honestly accurate) side, but that has nothing to do with its virtue and everything to do with trying to...yup! cut benefits.

Not to fear. Adopting the new method of calculating the CPI will stop some over-calculations of what people will pay for goods. HOWEVER, it's unlikely to result in cuts to benefits to any significant degree, if at all, since Obama knows that many seniors are barely getting along as it is and that he can make up for it by adding it back in at some other place in what is a very complex process.

Obama has offered to accept the chained CPI in various negotiations because he wants to adopt this improved method of calculation anyway.

I would think a serious letter to a president would - be better written. NM

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This Doctor Wouldn't Have An Agenda, Would He? - Seriously

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I hate to diagnose the guy, but he says he is losing his hair from "internal conflict." Is that his medical diagnosis? You think his limited mental capacity is causing his hair to wither and die, you know, not enough "juice" in his brain to keep his hair watered, maybe?

Michael Lotfi is a political commentator and adviser living in Nashville, Tennessee, where he works as the associate director for the Tenth Amendment Center. Lotfi founded TheLibertyPaper.org.

This "doctor" wouldn't have an agenda, would he? This doctor apparently thinks very highly of himself. He thinks he is full of principle. Principled people know that facts matter. Half truths and twisted rhetoric are not facts. What kind of doctor is this guy? Just reading his political agenda and rant, he sounds like if he is any kind of doctor at all that he is a "mental" doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

The white coats are coming. They are coming for him.

Getting through medical school does not mean - one is principled or not filled with hypocrisy. A

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serious problem some people of faith, those who happen to be prone to self-deception anyway, have is that they start taking anything and everything they WANT to believe on faith.

I'm sure this guy believes everything he says because I've met so many like him. So drearily commonplace. I hate that he's going to be treating people, but hopefully he will change and learn to find joy in caring for people.

Where physicians are allowed to provide better care, they again and again say they are much happier and satisfied with what they are doing. And that has nothing to do with money.

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em - Seriously

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Well, it turns out he is actually a Super PAC consultant and lobbyist in Washington, DC. So his focus is money for the Super PAC and lobbying for his political agenda. His focus is not to help provide health care to people, but rather just the opposite.

His priority of making money has landed him in Washington, DC.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
He still has that white coat pic representing him, - even though he quit med school.
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LMAO. Awesome.
I like his "everyone must 'ban' together" tweet. - LOL
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He didn't get through medical school. - Don't worry.

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He really should not be wearing a white doctor's coat.

He's intentionally misleading people into thinking he is a doctor, and he isn't.

I have a doctor just like you described! (sm) - Libby

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He loves what he does. His wife is also a physician, and they both practice in family medicine. They don't care about how much money they might earn.

He only sees patients 4-1/2 a day. The rest of the time he's either teaching or doing PSA type commercial.

About a year ago, there was a panel of which he was a part, and they were talking about marijuana and the changes in the law, etc.

His case with me is the very rare cystic fibrosis and how it affects not only the lungs but most of my digestive tract, as well. (In fact, my repeat colonoscopy and upper endoscopy are due to be scheduled, and I'm a little bit afraid to do it, but I know I have to do it, so I will be scheduling those tests hopefully sometime this week.)

I just hope that my PCP doesn't go away (he said it won't) because we've had a "rapport" that a person rarely can find that kind of patient/physician relationship, so I feel really blessed.
The docs I work for aren't in it for the money, - either.
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When I first started with them, they told me they "treat patients, not pocketbooks."

Founder of thelibertypaper.org (Ayn Rand rag) and director of - 10th Amendment Center

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a rabidly obsessed "Tenther and Nullification Movement" organization bent on taking down the federal government. The first tabbed selection at the top of its website is (cha-ching) "Tenther Gifts," LOL....positively Beckster-esque. He's another one of those aspiring destroy-from-within politicians. This charlatan is riding for a hard, hard fall off his imaginary high horse.

Oh, I almost forgot. He's a PERSIAN AMERICAN - winger

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hypocrites and saboteurs would just LOVE to see run the country into the ground.
But you're not talking about an Iranian running the WH. - Nother ball of wax
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Not familiar with contradictions of elitist Ayn Rand oligarch mindsets? - Here, let me help
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They worship at the altar of elitist oligarch rule and summarily dismiss the will of "We the People," the great unwashed underbelly of society to hear them tell it. Surely you don't think someone with a ginormous ego like PERSIAN AMERICAN Lofti (founder of their tabloid mouthpiece) intends to be content to wallow around second- and third- rate House and Senate chambers when he clearly envisions greater, ever LOFTIer aspirations for his special self, do you? After all, his letter does speak in terms of manifest destiny and being divinely ordained by God Almighty, doesn't it?

He also speaks in implicit terms of a common Persian cultural trait....Taarof, a form of civility focused on self-deference and social rank....often considered by other Persians as being the mark of a phony. This is something that drives my PERSIAN AMERICAN son up the wall whenever he attends his dad's (my ex's) social gatherings. There is always much bragging going on about one's self and one's relatives. They frequently throw down "doctor this" and "doctor that" statements (impressive by design) for other guests to oooh and aaah over...the oohing and aahing being the Taarof component of the behavior....when all the while the Taarofers are secretly hostile and resentful of the charade.

IOW, pretentious title-and-name dropping like false claims to being a doctor or highly educated person is par for the course for some Persians who are constantly trying to measure up to unrealistic expectations of themselves and others. Lofti is a perfect example of this obnoxious personality type.

Oh, no, really? What a piece of work. Good for you - guys for seeing just who this person is.nm

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He was a tech then a nurse - NOT A doctor

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He spent three years as an anesthesiologist technician and he just graduated from nursing school. The best part is he's a former consultant to the major GOP challenger to Lindsey Graham

Now, as to his complaints, someone enlighten me. The ACA didn't create insurance companies, it just gives them more customers. Where is this guy gonna go with his value in the principal of a truly free market? That doesn't exist. Anywhere.

He says "since I started college, I never intended to work for the government". So he never would have accepted Medicare or Medicaid patients?

Come on. Do a little research before you try to stir up trouble.

He Thinks He is Full of Principle - Me, Not So Much, Seriously

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His mother should be so proud, where he writes: "Starting our careers at 30 while dictating to us how much money we can make is nothing short of destroying all incentive to enter the field."

ALL incentive?

I understand he has student loans to pay back (most likely a hefty chunk of those from the big bad govern-mint), but seriously? ALL the incentive to enter the field for him is MONEY?

He thinks he is full of principle; I think he is full of something else.

LOL yep...he needs a proctologist for that load n/m - clb

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The First Big Word at 6 Years Old? - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious *Seriously

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More highlights to ponder.

"The first time someone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I responded, âAnesthesiologistâ. I had no idea what they even did, but it was the first big word I learned to pronounce as a 6-year-old."

You mean, after spending all that time with Mom and "Granny" at the hospital (his second home), he did not know what an anesthesiologist was by the age of 6?

And the first big word he learned to pronouce was at the age of 6? I can only speak for myself, but supercalifragilisticexpialidocious by the age of 3 here, but not bragging. *wink* Maybe the guy is a slow learner. I personally would not admit in an open letter to the President that I had spent so much time at a hospital that I considered my second home and learned so little in the process.

This "young" 30-year-old doctor must have never watched Doogie Howser, MD. At the age of 6, Doogie had already earned a perfect score on his SAT. Maybe Doogie could have taught him a few things he missed at the actual hospital in a hands-on environment.

Doogie Howser, MD - LOL

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I just did the math. That show first aired in 1989. Let's see: 2013 take away 30 would be 1983 and adding 6 gets you to 1989. So the guy was literally 6 years old when Doogie Howser, MD first came on television.

And there he was at the hospital, and by 6 years old he had finally learned what an anesthesiologist was. Dude should have gotten out of that hospital environment and watched him some television and learned something from Doogie. He obviously wasn't catching on to the basic medical concepts at his "second home."

LOL. Too funny.

He's not a doctor. - nm

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Can you imagine? - old nurse

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Being a nurse myself this letter took me back to the old days in the 80s when nurses were allowed to bring their children to work with them to run unfettered through the halls, mingling with the OR personnel in their scribe. Oh the humanity! Those times are gone forever and it is President Obama's fault.

He doesn't want to work for the government, - but wants to be a politician?

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Or work in the Air Force? I can't keep track. He's bouncing all over the place.

Also, he never said what he doesn't like about the ACA. He just talked about himself.


Really... - this guy has about

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as much credibility as "health care (and shapely thigh) expert" Suzanne Sommers AKA Chrissie weighing in on the ACA and "socialized medicine" in the WSJ. Every time I see something like this gag-inducing diatribe, I think to myself "Surely you can do better than this, surely." (And no, I'm not calling you Shirley!)


The Facebook page can't even be displayed - for this person/organization

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nothing makes me happier - sm

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than to hear from doctors who drop out of healthcare because they're not being paid enough. I know of no other profession that presumes they will make more money than last year. Every year.

Conversely, nothing makes me sadder than people who are duped by fake alter egos, viral emails, and unsubstantiated gossip.

What?! I work for a doctor. They are being robbed - by Obamacare. Would you work for nothing?

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Thought not. People with your attitude will lead to the downfall of our entire economy..... just like Obama is determined to do... and make us a nanny state. How sad.

MTs do work for nothing . . . - -- nm

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Can you give us an example of how they - are being robbed?

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I work for a medical practice and we haven't been affected yet. My bosses are adopting a "wait and see" attitude.

I think most of us work for doctors - sm

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and I have never worked for a doctor who was in danger of going broke in any way. Personally, I worked for two different specialty practices - both of which were among the finest in two different states.

In the first, transcription was outsourced to an outside agency (long before 2000) for cost-saving and staff-reduction measures to the tune of .17 per line. (Resulting, of course, in no true cost savings, since one senior transcriptionist was left to do nothing but continual corrections.)

In the second, transcription bit the bullet due to voice recognition software and EHR technology - again, with the expectation of cost reduction. Of course, I saw the declining condition of the records - something you can't easily put a price tag on.

During this time, I watched staff remain, year after year, without so much as a cost-of-living increase, all the while listening to the doctors fret about how their salaries were not going to INCREASE in the coming year.

I begrudge no one their good income. However, particularly in times of economic downturn, I find it more than a little annoying to hear the relatively well off (an understatement) grousing about their income when it takes me more than two hours of work to fill my gas tank.

only a 30-year-old - deenibeeni

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Not that this isn't a heartfelt letter, but only a 30-year-old can say something like "half a decade" and think everyone is supposed to be impressed.

I can't agree with you more! - nm

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It's on the combined budgetary impact on enacting the reconcillation proposal H.R. 3590 and H.R. 3961 plus the impact of enacting the proposal with some provisions altered and cash flow for the Hospital Insurance Fund. It's an interesting read.   http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/113xx/doc11376/RyanLtrhr4872.pdf   ...

Just Sharing A Letter. No Personal Insults Mar 22, 2010
The Great Thing About the Health Care Law That Has Passed? It Will Save Republican Lives, Too (An Open Letter to Republicans from Michael Moore) Monday, March 22nd, 2010 To My Fellow Citizens, the Republicans: Thanks to last night's vote, that child of yours who has had asthma since birth will now be covered after suffering for her first nine years as an American child with a pre-existing condition. Thanks to last night's vote, that 23-year-old of yours who will be hit one day by a ...

A Real Red-letter Day Today! Beck Is GoneApr 06, 2011

Letter From U.S. Marine To Dianne Feinstein Jan 02, 2013
CNN iReport on Dec. 27: Senator Dianne Feinstein, I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the governmentâs right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You maâam have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclai ...

Letter To Rand Paul From AG HolderMar 05, 2013
  Please note the 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence on; but, of course, The President would only authorize lethal force  within the U.S., ..... if necessary to protect the homeland....of a catastrophic attack like December 7, 1941 or September 11, 2001.   http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_U.S.%20news/US-news-PDFs/BrennanHolderResponse.pdf ...

An Open Letter To Donald TrumpMar 27, 2016
An Open Letter to Donald Trump: "Mr. Trump, I try my hardest not to be political. I’ve refused to interview several of your fellow candidates. I didn’t want to risk any personal goodwill by appearing to take sides in a contentious election. I thought: ‘Maybe the timing is not right.’ But I realize now that there is no correct time to oppose violence and prejudice. The time is always now. Because along with millions of Americans, I’ve come to realize th ...

A Letter To Rush Limbaugh (from Roger Ebert)Jan 16, 2010
/ / / January 14, 2010 To: Rush LimbaughFrom: Roger EbertYou should be horse-whipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation.Having followed President Obama's suggestion and donated money to the Red Cross for relief in Haiti, I was offended to hear you suggest the President might be a thief capable of stealing money intended for the earthquake victims. Here is a transcript from your program on Thursday: Justin of Raleigh, North Carolina: "Why does Obama say if yo ...

A Letter From McCain, Dems Celebrating With ChampagneMar 24, 2010
My Friend, Yesterday, President Obama signed his massive government takeover of our health care system into law. This bill is terribly wrong for America and I call on you to join with me to challenge this bill in every way we can. The fact remains that by a two-to-one margin, Americans do not want this bill to become law. On Saturday, I held town hall meetings in Arizona and we could not find one person who liked this bill. It's shameful that the Obama Administration and Congressio ...

These Seven Republican Senators Did Not Sign The Letter To Iran. SmMar 12, 2015
These 7 Senators did NOT sign the letter: Jeff Flake - Ariz Bob Corker - Tenn Lisa Mukowski - Alaska Lamar Alexander - Tenn Thad Cochran - Miss Susan Collins - Maine Dan Coats - Ind  ...

RINOs Sign Letter Demanding Ethanol Subsidy Dec 04, 2010
x ...

Poison Letter Suspect Posted Long Rant About Apr 17, 2013
body parts conspiracy theories he believes the FBI and police are covering up.  Wonder where such crazy ideas came from.     http://www.businessinsider.com/paul-kevin-curtis-2013-4 ...