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Job trend improves.
Posted: Apr 1, 2011
The job recovery trend that began when President Obama took office continues.

What a joke. Hes only been dragging us into a worse - situation with more debt.
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The "recovery" would have happened sooner without his horrible policies.. and look at the housing market.. a total disaster aided by another clueless plan of his.
No amount of spitting and spewing can change - that graph
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and what it says about JOBS recovery, which has CLEARLY taken place under his watch.
There's that spew word again...has Schumer - had another conference call?
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And the other side of the story...jobs lost - under his watch...
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This was right after he took office...and it has not gotten any better.
The U.S. has lost 2.2 million jobs since President Barack Obama took office. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the total number of jobs nationwide fell from 134.3 million at the end of January to 132.2 million at the end of May.
The unemployment rate now stands at 9.4 percent, up from 7.6 percent at the end of January.
âI think my initial measure of success is creating or saving 4 million jobs,â said President Obama on February 9.
Monthly job losses reported by the BLS are as follows:
Feb: 651,000
Mar: 663,000
Apr: 539,000
May: 345,000
Total: 2,198,000
âPresident Obama demanded that Congress spend hundreds of billions of dollars to stimulate the economy,â said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "On Friday, February 13 Congress approved a disgraceful trillion-dollar spending and debt package under the guise of economic stimulus. Since that date at least 1.5 million jobs have been lost in America.â
âSpend more money. Have fewer jobs,â continued Norquist. âLet's stop this madness.â
Unemployment rate is 9.5% today, STILL.
Bottom line...all he is "recovering" is what he LOST...and the jobs lost are curiously missing from ye olde graph.
Wrong again! We're still in recovery from the disaster that happened - right before Obama took office
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I'm not sure we will ever recover from that. I've never seen anything like it.
These were jobs lost after he took office - over several months.
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but you already know that. Let's see, what have you guys done today? Blame the tea party. Blame Bush. Blame the Republicans. Now its blame "the disaster that happened...."
The unemployment rate is STILL 9.5%. No matter how you cut it, Obama hasn't done squat except made the economy worse...well, he didn't do it by himself of course...Harry yesbarackhowhighshouldijump Reid certainly helped.
Know just what you mean by you have never seen anything like it. Me either. I have never seen such a bunch of silly immature hit posts as have been posted here today...which is what happens trying to defend the indefensible. You just can't, so you start throwing rocks at the other kids.
LOL. Priceless.
Turning a blind eye to the jobs hemorrhaging from those - 11 months prior to inauguration?
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Your math is WAY fuzzy. The graph clearly illustrates initial hangover from W, then substantial and steady improvement from March 2009 on, which coincides with the ARRA enactment. There is no getting around these facts.
You're right, but I don't blame Bush for it because he was in way over his head - He was not up to being president
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I think he thought it was something he had to do, but he was in way over his head.
The graph does NOT address the millions - lost SINCE the inauguation.
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US govt labor statistics say so. You take your graph, I will take the govt record...you know, the govt Obama is running, remember...that government?
There is no getting around THOSE facts.
The big corporations picked up steam sending jobs overseas - and that cannot be stopped
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No president is going to be able to fix the situation caused by big corporations sending jobs overseas. We can't fix it and we can't stop it. I am disappointed in first Clinton, then Bush, for doing this. Does anyone remember it happening earlier than Clinton? That's the earliest I can remember.
I also remember in 2002 that a business I had started going downhill because customers were losing jobs, getting laid off, etc. I noticed it only because of my business. It was a very big deal to me at the time and I can remember exactly where I was when I started a discussion about it with friends and family. It has really been downhill ever since in our country as far as jobs. Those jobs aren't coming back. I don't know what those people are going to do to earn a living.
Do we really need to go down the road to - what was at the heart
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of ALL the job hemnorrhaging, now and then? It was Barney giveitothemeveniftheycan'taffordit Franks...that caused all that bad mortage paper to hit Wall Street, then the meltdown, then the bailouts....
So if you want to start dragging up history, drag it all up. We have a Democrat...Franks...guilty of starting the snowball down hill. We have Bush doing what he thought was best with TARP...which Obama and the democrats voted for...Obama came back from campaign trail specifically to vote for TARP. Then Obama won, took office, and we got that HUGE stimulus bill which did not add any jobs (we are still today at 9.5%), in fact lost jobs, and if it was bleedover from Bush admin the bleedover to Bush admin came as a present from Barney Franks.
No matter how you look at this, the Dems made a mess, then made that mess worse, and continue to make that mess worse by not acknowledging the seriousness of the debt issue, not recognizing the scathing NEED to cut spending and address the deficit.
And there is no getting around those facts either.
Graph - Anonymous
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I think that chart is upside down.
Get real - anonymous
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If you did your homework, you would realize that this president had much to do with the economic state before he took office because he was a supporter of Fannie and Freddie and sued companies to give high risk loans (along with other screwed up policies before Bush got in), which helped cause the market to tank. Also, thanks to the current pres, who included pushing EMR in his campaign speeches - EMR being the reason I have now been laid off from loss of workload to my previous hosp system (recently at the ER w/someone and saw my job loss in action), and why I am here now trying to find out which companies I want to work for alongside everyone else. Thanks BO.
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