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Jade Helm

Posted: Aug 22, 2015

The news is eerily silient about the existence of Jade Helm activities.  Any MT's/QC's out there that are seeing this in CA, TX, UT, MN, MT, AZ, NM?  Please share your experiences - even (especially) if they are all good.




Funny how that conspiracy theory just - whoosh--disappeared

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but they sure had fun with it while they could stir it up...anything to brainwash the masses.

Not a conspiracy theory and it did not "just - whoosh--disappeared" - sm

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Do you even know what a conspiracy theory is?

Who "had fun with it"? There is nothing fun about it.

Just what do you think was "stirred up". Please do tell, we're all sitting here with baited breath waiting.

Just what do you think "the masses" is getting "brainwashed" about? Who are "the masses"? Just republicans? Are the masses a certain race or religion? Please, do tell.

Just because you don't hear about it in the news doesn't mean it's not happening. What people should be questioning is why is it not being reported in the lame stream media. In fact when they are not reporting something that is happening and is a very important thing going on people should start questioning why, not using the opportunity to make fun of something they don't want to believe AND make fun of their fellow American citizens who happen to live in this country and love the country.

I guess I just never understood the concept of wanting to hate the other side and the fun some people get out of ridiculing and condescending to others who believe in something that is actually happening.

So, what's the update? Jade Helm a great - Government conspiracy or just military exercises

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I, for one, hope they decided to send them to fight fires in the Northwest. Yeah, maybe that's what happened---no time to invade Texas, #TheWestIsBurning.

On to another fight--Climate Change. Another reality to embrace.

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