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I'm definitely in agreement with the
Posted: May 11, 2017

More ignorant polls from a person who should know - polls predicted their candidate to win.
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FAILED. Why do posters whose candidate was predicted to win the election on every poll still believe in polls?
A mystery to me other than someone has time to waste searching out polls to suit their agenda regardless of their personal knowledge polls are far from accurate.
Whatever gets lefties through their lonesome days, but posting polls just proves ignorance given their personal experience with the Hillary polls.
Sounds like Trumpeteers spend their lonesome - days calling lefties names
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and using that one poll that actually was right until the propaganda got her, just like the Russians wanted.
If polls are so unimportant why is Trump so focused on them and how many people were at his inauguration and how everything he does is the biggest and best ever. How's those claims that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary going? Let me guess, Obama made sure we didn't know.
Do you listen to yourselves?
I am looking at posts and not lonesome, just - work is slow today.
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I need to be on the system waiting for work and instead of staring at a blank screen I come over here to look at what is going on.
I don't pay attention to polls and never did. I have no idea what Trump's theory is on polls but up to the end on election night the polls were reported to have favored Hillary and it caught a lot of people off guard when she lost.
I have no idea if Russians conducted polls, are friends with Trump or screwed with votes and neither does anyone else or there would have been a definite finding by now don't you think.
I do know Hillary was a very unpopular candidate so it could be possible she lost on her own merit. I also know Trump was unpopular but he did appeal to certain class of people who were hurting from the economy. Not sure if Hillary reached out or appealed to them.
Wow! I have a job downloaded after 15 minutes of waiting. Gotta go but I may be back if I get bored waiting for work because my shift doesn't end till 3.
Have fun.
Just to clear the air, nobody said they messed - with votes.
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That is what the Trump supporters don't understand. They are the ones saying the democrats let illegals vote but the democrats never said votes were messed with. It was the whole propaganda thing that the Russians did.
So this is what the Russian investigation - is about? Nothing to do with Trump?
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Why are Democrats saying Trump fired Comey because of the Russian investigation? If Russians did release propaganda, what would Trump have to do with that?
Also did the Russians control Comey who reopened the private server e-mail investigation right before the election?
I don't know who did what but somebody - did something.
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Probably more than likely they all did something. The whole bunch of them are corrupt.
About the Russians meddling in our (and others) - election, it is more due to
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propaganda being planted by our newspapers, media and pundits. These are the same reporters who blamed racism anytime anyone who didn't agree with Obama.
Propaganda is as successful a weapon as political correctness is AND we are bombarded with both daily...the country, nation wide, is more divided now.
And it sounds like Lefites spend every waking moment - calling anyone
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who differs from the Lefties POV names. ;)
Every day Trump twees out piece of cheese that fake news - media then chase around hrough
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the maze for a day or two.
Meanwhile, the President just marches along with his agenda. Monday 10 judicial appointees, today, Ex O on voter fraud commission. Every day, more and more. And the fake news media is so busy with “ Russia” that they don’t even notice.
It’s brilliant-—total Robert E. Lee deception, called a “demonstration.”
Interesting the media never mentions Podesta emails - "hacked" because of the virus he let in.
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It wasn't the Russians.
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