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Hopey Changey Thingy

Posted: Mar 28, 2010

With the passage of health care reform, the hopey changey thingy seems to be going just fine!  President Obama is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do, and we look forward to more changes down the road!  It just goes to show that government is best left to the pros not the cons!


Oh...there will probably be more change... - anon

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and we're all "hoping" it won't be as bad as the present mistake made by our newly elected "wet behind the ears" senator.

Great to know that you believe in hope and change, too! - NM

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There will be a change in November.. thank God!nm - BringItOn

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"Hopey changey" without any way to pay for it. - Yeah, makes sense.. NOT.nm

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No way to Pay since BUSH chased our - Surplus Away

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FYI, the govt. isn't supposed to have a surplus of OUR money! - lol

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They're only supposed to take what they need to pay for the essentials that they are responsible for, such as defending the nation, highways, parks, etc. If they ever have a "surplus," it's because they're taxing us TOO much. It's spelled out in the constitution.
Yeah, right! Better to be in Debt, right? - Spare me
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Actually, debt and deficit are 2 different things, but we're supposed to come out even. - :)
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Just like with the IRS. I mean, only an idiot would actually lend the IRS money without earning 1 cent in interest when they get their "refund." Especially since when the shoe's on the other foot, they charge YOU up the wazoo!

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