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Deja Vu

Posted: Oct 11, 2012

I had thought that someone might have educated Romney on what it is really like for the uninsured, but I guess not. He said the same thing last September and I can't believe he repeated it yesterday. Will he say the same thing next week? * * * * Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has pledged to repeal Obamacare, says that people without health insurance don't have to worry about dying as a result. "We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance," Romney said in an interview with the Columbus Dispatch's editorial board on Wednesday. While it's difficult to tell how many people die each year from lack of health insurance, one study, from a health care advocacy group, puts the number at 26,000 deaths per year. "We don't have a setting across this country where if you don’t have insurance, we just say to you, 'Tough luck, you're going to die when you have your heart attack,'" he added in the interview. "No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." ;

Wow, he lives in - Delusionalville

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doesn't he? Does he seriously believe that?

I guess all those visits to the doc..sm - JTBB

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for physicals, preventive care, screenings, maintenance drugs, etc was just a waste of time. Who knew??

Less will have insurance with Obamacare. Look at the - businesses going to part-timers to avoid benefits!

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They've been doing that for years...sm - JTBB

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well before Obamacare ever came about. It's a result of corporate greed.

The restaurant owners whined about this and minimum wage - sm

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Yes, they do it everytime and then they get over it. Wall Street floats rumors all the time to manipulate the market. The US Chamber of Commerce, and every other lobbyist group does it too. The American worker has to stand up to corporate interests. If Darden, pulls this, I will write some letters, just like when Limbaugh lost his advertisers and Beck got kicked off Fox.

Admittedly, Romney can't catch earth diseases - Fanatical Hypocrite

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The pathogens of our planet can't take hold in his physiology because he lacks DNA. He just has tiny hundred dollar bills wrapped into a double helix and held together by faith. Whenever he feels under the weather he need only eat more money.

What I like best about that quote: "No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital," is that it expresses so much with so little. First: Charity? If you wanted Romney to pay for your medical bills you better be the leadership of the Mormon church. Second: The government? You mean that giant failure he said couldn't be trusted with our medical care? Third: The hospital? Wow, the hospital. I didn't know they were non-profit. Last time I went, they sent me a bill. The government didn't pay it. Some philanthropist didn't pay it. The hospital certainly didn't pay it. I paid it. More specifically, I HAD TO PAY IT. If I didn't, my credit would be destroyed, my wages garnished and my personal possessions taken.

Important tip from Mitt Romney: Don't ever get sick. Otherwise, how can you have enough money to start a small business, have it grow and eventually get eaten and digested by Bain Capital.

I cannot afford insurance now!! ...and healthcare is going - up. Obamacare is the cause, not cure ! nm

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He does have that one right . Never seen on a dc - Cause of death: No health insurance

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Time to squeal a new squeal.

He's absolutely right... - SK1

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There is free/low cost medical care in every state. It may not be the Cadillac care that we would all like, but it is available.

My neighbor is on our state run health care and she gets excellent medical care. I know because I take her to her appts.

As for preventative medicine, I can't speak for all states, but I volunteered in a free clinic. We provided preventative care in addition to regular care. It was staffed by volunteer doctors and staff and hosted in a church. Our community just opened a second low cost medical clinic. No one is turned away.

It's a shame there aren't more free clinics - Fanatical Hypocrite

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I wish more cities, towns and rural areas would take the example of you and your community. Especially in regard to the preventative care. Although, I know this is funny, but I wouldn't go into a church for free medical care. I'm not Christian, so I'd feel like I was intruding or afraid I'd get a lecture about how my leprosy would clear up if I stopped working on the sabbath:)

I also think what we need, more than anything, is a well-known place people could go to ask questions. You know, to figure out which programs might be available to them. Because the information isn't very straight forward, especially to the hard working poor who don't have time to fish through the dozens of federal, state and county agencies and private organizations that might be able to help them, but probably are for other people. It's hard to figure out which hole you've been shoved into sometimes.

However, the middle class are still left out in that. What about people who can't afford medical care, yet make too much to qualify for anything? I've fallen into that category a few times. Luckily, because I'm a transcriptionist, I'm now dirt poor.

But most free programs cut off not far above poverty level. What if you get sick, but still want to have a chance at the American dream? Still want to start your own business or own a little piece of land or give your kids an education? It can be real hard when you've got thousands or tens of thousands of dollars of medical bills.

Also, I remain unconvinced that state run health care is any better/worse than federal run. That and I feel too much difference between states is becoming a problem. I don't want to be stuck in my state forever because if I move back to West Virginia my new coverage would involve "Dueling Banjos" acoustic therapy and raccoon pelt splints. Sorry, it's just too easy insulting my home state. I actually liked it there quite a bit.

You'd probably feel comfortable... - SK1

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It's a designated mini-clinic attached to the church but with its own entrance. Lawsy, if I had to walk through the church I probably wouldn't go -- be afraid to get struck by lightning.

To the poster that asked about chemo, x-rays and wound care -- can't speak to specialist referrals since I did intake, x-rays were referred to a cooperative facility and yes, wound care was provided.

I agree FH, I would love to see more clinics set up like this -- people caring for people at the grass roots.

interesting points! - (plus, you slay me, FH)

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I actually laugh. ("Luckily...") Oh gosh. Too funny.

Our State only has 2 hospitals for uninsured - sm

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Some people have to travel 300 miles to get there. Poor uninsured people traveling 300 miles, can you imagine? Families have to find lodging, food. Can you come and volunteer to provide transportation here? Many would be very grateful.

Do they do chemo, rad, or wound care at the church? - provide precriptions? nm

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Deja Vu to you-Why didn't you post the BEGINNING of the article and not - backwards typist

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just the part you did post, making it look like Romney is the devil....nor a link TO the interview.

This is what was reported BEFORE your cut and paste:

A Mitt Romney administration overhaul of President Barack Obama’s health-care law would provide those without insurance who have a pre-existing condition the opportunity to gain coverage, the Republican presidential nominee told The Dispatch yesterday.

Romney, in a meeting with The Dispatch’s editorial board, said those who currently don’t carry insurance would have a chance to make a “choice” to be covered without fear of being denied. But he didn’t specify how long Americans would have to make that choice, or what would happen to those who chose not to be covered and later fell sick.

Romney minimized the harm for Americans left without health insurance.

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