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Another unjustified slur exposed
Posted: Mar 4, 2013
Just the facts...

Nothing to see here, folks. - I'm grumpy.
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Just move along and pretend this didn't just happen.
Yeah - the
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Obama slammers all like to pretend he is the only one that does a lot of things to make him look bad. They do a lot of pretending.
Obama executive orders - outahere
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White and not a member of the good old boys club. They'll never give him credit for what he does and they will never compare the pathetic GOP record to his even though his is already better and favorable to the American people.
Well it makes whoever put this together pretty stupid - and purposely misleading
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During Obama's first four years he signed 147 EOs.
During George W. Bush's first four years he signed 169 EOs.
Regan also served 8 years so if you are going to compare Obama's first four years in office a more accurate number is to compare to only 4 years of another president. In this case Bush Sr. would be correct as he only served 1 term.
Another site listing all the executive orders has the number for Obama and then has the words "so far" after that.
You cannot compare 4 years to 8 years you will never get an accurate assessment. But if you do want to compared Bush's 8 years, then you need to double Obama's number to get a better estimate, so that would be Obama 294 to Bush's 291. Pretty even I would say.
But then again the writer of that article probably didn't think anyone would do their research.
Agree - well said! - -
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The left is throwing mud, hoping it sticks.
No one was calling obama a "czar." - Truthhurts
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The czars where the administration people he appointed that had bad records and/or past indiscretions like Van Jones, Sustein (sp) to name 2 that I can think of off the top of my head....and those appointed who followed Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, etc.
Thank heavens most of those idiots are gone.
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