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bloating and terrible gas

Posted: Sep 14, 2011

Earlier today I ate a small piece of sugar-free cake with sugar-free icing and now I have really bad gas and bloating!  My stomach was protruding so badly that I had to change out of my jeans, they were so uncomfortable.  Anybody know of a quick natural remedy I can do to help relieve this terrible bloated, gassy feeling?  Surprised  (aside from not eating sugar-free foods anymore?)


Bloating & Gas - mt914

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Here are some tips I found on the internet.

1.Drink lots of water. Bloating is caused by food that hasn’t been digested properly sitting in your digestive system. Drinking fresh water effectively flushes it out and gets you moving again.

2.Drink peppermint tea. Or swallow a couple of peppermint oil capsules. Peppermint is an anti-spasmodic relaxant, which relaxes your digestive system. I always keep peppermint tea in the house in bloating emergencies.

3.Do some anti-bloating exercises. Dislodge trapped wind by lying on the floor and raising your knees to your chest. Do this slowly and only one knee at a time.

4.Eat lots of fresh fruit. I sometimes find that if I’m really suffering, a big bowl of chopped fresh fruit is all I need to kick-start my system into dispelling the gas.


Bloating & Gas - mt914

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When you eat sugar-free foods or drinks, the body does not know what to do with sugar-free stuff, so it will turn it into fat around the belly. Eating real food instead of processed food will get rid of the problem.

bloating and terrible gas - vshular

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Could this be a gluten problem? or is this the first time this has happened? Symptoms are similar, also IBS and diverticulosis which I have causes bloating and gas like that. Beeno might help. Tried that, but it did not help me. Hope you get relief.

Rocking would help the gas.

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