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Tick bite

Posted: Apr 30, 2015

I live in NJ.  My house is pretty much in the woods.  Last year, I found a tick embedded in me 3 different times.  Once in May, another time in July, and then again at the end of the summer.  The first two occasions required a course of antibiotics for several weeks because I had a rash at the site of the bite.  I also had to have a Lyme antibody test to make sure I was not infected. 

This year, my husband and I are determined to be extra careful.  There is next to no grass in the back yard.  It's mostly dirt because we left the leaf debris on the lawn over the winter.  When I take the dog outside, I roll up my pant legs or put rubber bands around the bottoms so they don't brush up against any foliage.  I have even taken to wearing a white hat with a wide brim because I have been told ticks can fall out of trees.

Today, I felt something on my skin near the waistband of my pants, and you guessed it--a tick.  This is unbelievable.  I have lived in this house for 20 years and we have always taken our dogs hiking just about every single day all year long.  This past year is the first time I have had any ticks on me in my LIFE.

Does anyone have any other suggestions about prevention?  Walking on the street is not an option.  We live on a back road, and there is literally no shoulder.  There are parks nearby, but I imagine I would be just as vulnerable there.  


Ticks ... questing ... etc. - sm

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Ticks climb up vegetation, hang on, and wait for victims to brush by. Not just grass, but plants and shrubs. They get on you, then climb up.

Prevention involves staying away from vegetation. Wear boots and socks. Pull your socks OVER the pants. Ticks go up, not down. Tuck your shirt IN. Spray tick repellent on your boots and clothes. Check for ticks every time you come in. Check your NECK, because that is where they will climb to.

Google questing ticks.

Sulfur powder can be used to dust your socks and clothes. It smells dreadful. LOL.

Tick prevention - sm

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We do use tick collars and/or Frontline to prevent ticks on the dogs. I do not like the chemicals, but I have decided that it is better than the tick-borne illness. My dog has been treated for Lyme's and has tested positive for other tick-borne disease. One dog was very sick with Lyme's and I believe it affected her the rest of her life. Our dogs come into the house, so I do use powders/sprays on their bedding and at times on the carpets.

Besides tucking pant legs, etc., I try to wear light colored clothes so the ticks show up, also spray on pant legs, socks, shoes. Try to time showers after walks.

I believe they say it takes 24 hours of attachment before disease is transmitted. I try to check problems areas, (waistbands) etc., frequently.

switch from Frontline to Seresto collar - anon

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It lasts for 8 months. It both repels and kills ticks and particularly fleas. It's gotten great reviews. I learned about it through my own vet.

tick bites - anon

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I've had more tick bites than I can count (live in TN). I just grab the little monster and yank it off. The seed ticks are harder to remove because they are so tiny, but having regular nails (not acrylic) helps. I don't know why you were prescribed antibiotics. The redness or rash around the bite is normal after you remove it. It's when you have the bull's eye that you have to be concerned.

One rash was bulls-eye, and one was not. - NJMT

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I also learned that being bitten by a tick that transmits Borrelia burgdorferi (bacterium that causes Lyme) to a person does not necessarily mean the person will develop a bulls-eye rash.

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