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Posted: Jul 12, 2012

Maybe I'm wrong, but my scoliosis seems to be worsening due to long hours sitting all day long. School screenings came along after I graduated so it wasn't caught early. It's not painful, just annoying. Never got on the chiropractor's weekly plan, which he recommended, due to $$$ and no insurance coverage. There's no cure anyway. I just live with it. I am worried, though, about spine degeneration. Anyone know of any new technology to effectively treat adult scoliosis?;

Chiropractic absolutely will not help - alana

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so you saved your money by not going.

Depends on the person... - mtlt

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Chiropractic absolutely, without a doubt in my mind, helped my scoliosis. I have five curvatures and at the time I was diagnosed could not turn my head to the left at all. I hurt so bad that my doctor and I honestly thought I had chronic pain syndrome until x-rays were done. I had five chiropractic adjustments done and have not had trouble with my neck for the past nine years. The back pain is another story. It is still there constantly, but not nearly as sharp as it was at first.

RFTCs and facet blocks help me - just me

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I have gotten radiofrequency thermocoagulations in the past, which worked very well. My new pain doctor does not perform these though, so I am suffering in pain because I cannot afford to see my clients, who do this procedure. If you find a pain physician with a fluoroscopy table in-office, it is considerably cheaper. They have to be repeated every 9-12 months though but work fabulously.

Chiropractic care does work - Trollbaby

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You definitely need to be seeing a chiropractor! I have been going to a chiropractor for 6 years now and I am doing so much better! I would have been in a wheelchair if it was not for the chiropractor! There are good chiropractors and there are bad ones. The chiropractor that I am going to has literally saved my life. He gave me a new life! I had cervical and thoracic spine degeneration. I could not even get out of bed. I went to many many doctors and nobody could help me until a friend of mine suggested a chiropractor. It was the best decision of my life!

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