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Posted: Jun 26, 2011

I'm so irritated right now I just have to vent.  Yesterday while on my way home from my sister's, we stopped at a national chain grocery store for gas.  We had earned the reward points by shopping at our local store and figured since we needed gas and it was the last day to use the discount, we'd just fill up at this store. 

I had my most recent receipt, which showed that I had 300 points and that it equaled 60-cent discount per gallon.  We swiped our rewards card and the pump said we only had a 30-cent discount.  I went over to the cashier and showed her my receipt and my card.  She swiped my card and gave me a printout that verified I had 300 points; however, according to her, that was only worth a 30-cent discount.  She said it happened to someone else the other day and that I should go inside the store and speak to customer service. 

So my husband and I pulled out of the gas pump area and parked.  I went to the customer service desk and the cashier there called for the manager.  I explained to him that my discount wasn't right and asked if he could help.  He went on to explain that even though they were a national chain, their discount levels were different and that at their store, my points were only worth the 30-cent discount.  I was a little peeved and told him that it didn't make sense why they would do that.  He went to say that each district was different and that even though I was close to my store, it was still a different district and their reward systems was different. 

And that's where it really went downhill.  He could see that I was upset and he was pretty young looking (Doogie Howser if you know what I mean).  He decided to tell me that their rewards were different because their prices were lower than my store.  Now telling me that I'm losing half my discount was bad enough, but then he had to tell me that I was paying for my groceries more even though the stores are only about an hour apart.  Seriously *****

I just couldn't believe it.  I didn't know what to say.  I grabbed my husband and told the manager that I would never shop at any of their stores again.  I have a notion to email their corporate office and let them know that if this is a recurring situation, perhaps they should coach their managers better on what to tell their customers.  I was already upset that I lost 1/2 my discount, but him telling me that I was paying more for my groceries really set me off.  Yell


*** Edited by Moderator:  Leave off the language. ***


Its true about different prices. sm - CrispyCritterMT

[ In Reply To ..]
I live in-between 2 Wal-Marts, each is about 20 miles from my house in opposite directions. At one the prices are higher because there is no other competition around as compared to the other one where there is K-Mart, Kroger and other stores closeby it.

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