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Posted: Dec 31, 2011

It's in the bathroom.  Wouldn't you think all those showers would steam it right off the walls?  No.  It's on there good and tight and won't come off no matter what I do.  I've been scraping and scraping and my arms feel like jello.  I've tried window cleaner.  I've tried vinegar.  I've tried windshield wiper fluid, which, oddly, is the best yet.  I've tried fabric softener. 

Anyone out there have a miracle wallpaper remover?


I hate wallpaper - awful

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I had just a wall boarder to remove, got most of it, except this one area of about 3 foot in lenght. It just would not come off. I thought I would have to use a jigsaw and remove the drywall and just re-patch to get rid of it. After buying spray on products, that razor roller thing, and using most of the items you did (with the exception of windshield wiper fluid), I ended up sanding the bejesus out of it and then putting plaster over it, and then painted right over that. I got so sick of trying to get it off the wall.

I have no advice to offer, obviously, but I do wish you good luck with that!

Happy New Year.

Portable Hair Dryer - JC

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We used a portable hair dryer. Pull out piece of wall papers as best you can and hold outward, then blow down into it with the hair dryer while scraping with whatever, or pulling. We got to the point where we could blow and pull and it would come off in large pieces at a time. It's painstaking, but it works, or worked for us, anyway. We had that old-fashioned 1970's foil paper, and it was horrible.

Then, when you're all done, sand it down before painting (did we learn our wallpaper lesson?) because it may not be perfect. Our wasn't, there was wallpaper stuck on wallpaper.

P.S. - JC

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P.S. If you need to get a piece started and it just won't, hold the hair dryer on the spot for a bit. Also, don't hold the hair dryer to close to the wall, because there are automatic shut offs on those if it thinks it's getting overheated. The fatter the hairdryer, the better, to cover more area at one clip.

I had that old horrible '70s wallpaper too. - Even after using a steamer to

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to get it down, still nearly destroyed the drywall in the process. Tried to patch the drywall with mud (joint compound) but looked awful. Finally had to replace the drywall altogether, fortunately was only in 3 bathrooms. Good luck!
No Steamer - Use Hairdryer
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Steamer just dissolves everything, including the wall. Try the hairdryer first.

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