A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Mar 11, 2014

Okay, so I posted a question on here awhile ago about taking a job offered by my friend who owns a retail store. Well I still haven't officially applied yet and told her that if she hires somebody, then she hires somebody. Maybe I should've gone into more detail as I am still in my dilemma, thinking, whatever you want to call it. Well... My husband works at a major appliance retail chain (don't want to say which one) and the owner is our friend. She is a great person and my husband is happy there for the most part (we all have bad days at work). My husband asked me again this weekend if I was going to apply there or not (No pressure) as he didn't want to see me miss out if someone else was hired and I lost my chance. Anyway, to make a long story short, what's stopping me from applying there? Fear? Taking a step down from MT and all the time and education and work I put in? Working with my husband? Making less money? Working weekends again? I keep thinking that maybe if I just stay in MT it will get better or maybe the next job application will be a winner (I've put in too many to count and either get no response or no thank you). I just applied at a major office retail chain store today too. Am I justified in being angry that I'm forced to either ride out MT until I'm let go in the next few years and then I'm older and have even less of a shot at a good job or that I'm angry about having to be paid only $9 an hour now? I make more than that now with MT but I know that I'm only staying for the insurance, but we've been shopping around for ACA coverage and can get it for less than what I'm paying just for me through my MTSO now. Also, my income is less and less each year. So, if you knew you just had to get out of MT but had absolutely no other job offers or prospects or interviews, would you stay and keep trying month after month, year after year, or just swallow your pride and go for the retail job? It would be hourly paid and full time (just no benefits) and closed all major holidays. So, I don't know even why I'm posting this. Maybe I need someone to tell me to just go for it or stay where I am for now because of the insurance and (more?) money. What to do? I have to make a final decision by the end of the month and I just don't know if I can do it. I'm afraid to take this job and fail, but yet I don't want to regret not going for it. What's holding me back? HELP! Thanks all for your suggestions, input, and advice :-);

I would take it. - anon

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Your fears are understandable but it's clear you understand this field is just going downhill fast. MT companies are losing accounts to technology like EPIC and even if you found the elusive perfect company (great schedule, good pay, reasonable accuracy requirements and helpful QA, nice supervisors, good dictators, plenty of work, MT-friendly platform, etc.), odds are it will be bought out by the awful ones. I hated to leave a career that I was good at (and used to love) after 25 years, but finally quit this year. Yes, there are a few MTs who still have plum gigs, but those are rare and most likely will not last long. I had to read the writing on the wall. There's just no future in MT, sadly, unless you're one of those MTs who post on this board content to make minimum wage just because they can work at home. Obviously not you and not me.

So far 1 vote Yes. Thank you. n/m - clb

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take it, take it, take it - wheres_my_job

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You will in the workplace, in motion...not stagnating in MT-ville. You will demonstrate your good people skills, your problem-solving, ability to work with public, show up on time, etc. This opens up new job opportunities (in my opinion).

Just go for it. Leave the past behind. Good luck and embrace change.
Thank you for that n/m - clb
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I just took a job for $9/hour. - Maggie May

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I got a "regular" job in December but due to overhiring, I lost it in February. I had to decide whether to go back to MT or try to find something else. Part of my decision was based on the fact that I have Windows XP and everyone wants Windows 7 or 8 now. I have an older computer and it can't be updated & I can't afford another computer. I don't start the new job until Monday, but I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. Why are you afraid you will fail? At which job will you feel more needed and/or wanted? I say, go for it. Things change so quickly in MT, and NEVER for the better!

Because... - clb

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I haven't worked outside the home since early 2008 when I got into MT and my last actual retail job was before 1995! I've been in office clerical receptionist type jobs between 1996 and 2008. I guess I'm just afraid to try something new and be like duh I don't know anything. I don't even work for MM or N and my MTSO is decent and I feel guilty for wanting to leave but I'm afraid to stay stuck and afraid to move on. Maybe I've been at home too long that the real world scares me LOL. I do know that yesterday when I was out running errands in the nice weather that I was in such a good mood just to go get outside again. If I fail at the retail job I would hate to come crawling back to MT and be in the same position of getting nowhere. I've applied to so many jobs since 2008, my last interview was 2010, and I just feel like a loser. I even try to get fired from MT but they keep me on. I just got an anniversary card in the mail too and I felt bad that I wanted to leave. I have this 4-year itch I guess you could call it. My longest time at any job has always been 4 years and then I move on. Why?

I was just in your position. - Here's what I did.

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I was afraid of taking a new job after a decade of working at home. I have to be at work at 6 in the morning, sometimes I work 7 days in a row, I always have to work at least 1 weekend day (usually both), AND I even work at the same place as my husband. The only difference is that I started at $11, not $9 (Whole Foods).

Let me tell you how it has worked out for me. I was afraid at first, but now I cannot imagine having not taken this job. Every day people ask me how I like my job, and I always have the same answer: "I love my job! I'm just happy to be here." I've made a bunch of friends, I get a lot more exercise, and it feels so good at the end of the day to come home and sit on the couch and have a glass of wine.

Please don't let fear hold you back. I can tell you with certainty that fear only lasts while the unknown is still unknown. It only lasts that long, and then it is gone. Then your new job because a routine that you understand and it is NOT scary. Then you just go on with your life.

If you don't like it, you can quit.

TY. You made me feel more at ease. I just might do it! - clb

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Maybe MT just has me (and alot of others like me) just so run down or my self-esteem is in the toilet or just don't know anything else or forgot how to talk to people LOL. Whatever it is that is holding me back needs to be stomped on! Thanks again.

I would not take it because - - Ayn

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I would not take this particular job only because of 2 things - (1) working for "a friend" can lead to may difficult issues and (2) as solid as this job may seem, I would not want to work with my husband and put all our eggs into one basket so to speak.

HOWEVER, if you are considering this retail job, why not look into other retail jobs?

I am certainly looking to get out of MT myself - it is a sinking ship IMO - so I would definitely suggest you keep looking for something, just not this particular job. Working with or for spouses, relatives, and/or friends often leads to an unhappy ending.


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When my husband came home from work last night I told him I was ready to go. He said she already hired someone. I said S___! He said well you waited too long and we were short staffed. So, the job is gone. I'm mad at myself.

You snooze, you lose.
That ship has sailed.
I missed the bus.

The one and only job offer I've gotten in 4 years of trying to get out of MT and I let it slip by.

Dang it.

Just have to try again. :) - nm

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Tried. Applied. Denied. That's my job hunting mantra lately. - clb

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Maybe I'm just having a bad day or month or 4 years. IDK. I'm not having a pity of party of one but it's just so frustrating. I can't make my resume any dumber and still get turned down for entry level positions. This is ridiculous! Plus after I found out last night that the job was offered to someone else, it put me in a bad mood so I slept like crap, argued with my husband this morning (about something else), and had a client returned report email first thing this morning. Can anything else go wrong today? I know I should be working but I find editing mind. numbingly. boring. I can't stand it! But if I would get fired I would be worse off because it's even harder to find a job when you don't have one even if I told them I could start tomorrow. Oh well, back to the same ole'...

Thanks again all for your support :-)
Well, look at it this way. - anon
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It was a learning experience and you know now that next time you need to make a quicker decision. I think you've realized how much you want to get out of MT (just read what you wrote above), so hopefully next time you won't let fears of the unknown keep you from non-MT opportunities. Good luck!
So true. Next time I'll say Yes immediately no matter what! - clb
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I updated my cover letter/resume again today too.

I changed jobs after 25 years as an MT. sm - still just me

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I now work for a company who manages EMR. I was brought in because of my knowledge as an MT. It has now been nearly a year. I am so happy with my choice. Some days are stressful but doable. The owner...she can stress me out occasionally but love her to death! This job was just waiting for me (so to speak). Find that job that is waiting for you. You never know where it might be.

TY for that. It made my day. Each day is a brand new opportunity. :-) - clb

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This weekend I am buying more printer toner and nice resume paper and then redoing my cover letter and resume as obviously the old ones are not working. If I just apply to one job a day then hopefully something will happen. Thanks again!

What I did.... - Mary Roach

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I jumped the MT grind a few years ago by going to a temporary service, applying as an MT/receptionist, and landed the best job I've ever had in my life. I started as the transcriptionist, cross-trained for anything else they needed me to do (clerical). Then, when they evolved from dictation to electronic records, they kept me. Now I just edit and fax out the notes, and I work in the front office. Just put yourself out there, go to a temporary employment service, give them your resume, let them test you, and ask them to give you a chance. You'll never know what's out there unless you take that leap, and you might end up finding a position where you are very happy. Good luck. Hope this helps a little bit!

Thank you so much! - clb s/m.

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I have a pretty extensive resume and worked in clerical positions before MT but can't get one now for some reason. I called (only) one temp agency in my town (out of several) and was told a while back that they don't help people who already have a job. Poop on them. But I may just call each one again and see what happens. Thanks again!

If that is your real name you should not - use it online like that.

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You really don't want people to be able to identify you that easily. It is too risky. Use something else.

UPDATE... - clb

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I finally got up the courage to call one of the employment agencies in my town and ask if they would still help anyone who is employed and they told me yes. I went to their website and uploaded my resume/filled out an application. I called back to verify that they received it and they did and I have an interview on Monday. I just need my ID, SS card, and resume and sit through a 30-minute interview and then hopefully be matched up with a job. They asked me what I do now (MT) and why I'm looking for work (job security) and what I'm looking for (clerical or factory full time) and were very nice and helpful on the phone.

I am nervous to interview again but excited that a new opportunity may come around. I'll keep you posted. :-)

Interview... - clb

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I had my interview at the temp agency today. Lasted about 15 minutes. The only jobs available in my town right now are $9.50/hr 2nd shift factory 10 miles away or part-time traveling sales (whatever that is). The only way I'll get a temp-to-hire (hopefully) FT clerical job is if I go 40 miles away to the "big city." $11/hr minimum. Kinda disappointed after that 15-minute visit. I dressed up for nothing. I'm just waiting to hear when something new opens. I feel disappointed. But it is a temp agency so maybe I should've known it was going to be like that. I have to give my notice also, I can't just start tomorrow. I told her I need permanent FT (benefits a plus). That place was my last hope because 4 years of FT job hunting on top of MT didn't pan out. Is the job market really that bad?

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