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Three Adults and an Infant

Posted: Feb 21, 2016

The following happened to my brother-in-law's nephew. He's a server in a buffet restaurant. At his table were three adults (two women and one man) and a baby. Nephew got them set up with drinks, extra napkins and anything else they needed. He checked twice to give them drink refills and whatever else they needed. On his third trip to check on them, he noticed one of the women breastfeeding the baby. He turned and walked away to give her privacy and decided to check back a little while later. When he got back to the table, the man, the father of the baby, who happened to be the only one who spoke English, asked why they were ignored. When nephew explained he was trying to show respect for the mom, the man reamed him a new one and said they paid good money ($20 per adult) and should get good service, etc., etc. Nephew apologized for the misunderstanding, but stood his ground and said he was just trying to show respect to the breastfeeding mother. They eventually left. When nephew went to clear the table, he found a poopy diaper in the middle of the table with $3 on top. What is wrong with people?;

Sounds like he gave better service than they deserved. - anon

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this story - saddens me

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What is wrong with people is rudeness, impatience and just plain ugliness. Also the disease of offend-itis. Risk of offending them if you don't give them privacy, risk of offending them if you do.

When people, like your family member, try to do the polite thing, they get poo in return. Just sad and disgusting.

Pooed on if you do, pooed on if you don't, or something like that, as the old saying goes.

Just awful - Disgusted

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Those people are terrible. They really had to go out of their way to insult someone in that particular manner. Random generalizations ahead:
1. It's a buffet restaurant and therefore understood that there will be no strolling violinists and people at your beck and call. The server did his job and probably more.
2. Non-English-speakers, different culture, different norms for them--which they apparently do not understand goes both ways. Americans on the whole tend to get squicked out about breastfeeding in public, and your brother-in-law's nephew was reflecting his values about privacy and meant no disrespect.
3. The diaper--offensive in ANY culture. They should be banned from that restaurant for sure.

agree the customers' response was unnecessay - but

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since breastfeeding can take 20 minutes on a side, those customers might have been left there for a significant period of time. Why can't we all grow up and not make ANY DEAL out of breastfeeding? If the server had been female, she probably wouldn't have felt compelled to "give them privacy" nor should a male server. Boobs are there to feed babies. Guys need to quite acting like they are interrupting consensual sex if they see a woman breastfeeding in public.

Let the Breast-Feeder Beware - see msg

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Anyone breast feeding their baby in public assumes the risk of lack of privacy, particularly when they are being waited on, so I think the nephew (while not incorrect) should just carry on.

And expect what he got? - Good heavens.

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I Am Trying To Say - see msg

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...that the nephew should not worry about the woman's privacy, since she has chosen to do it in public. I do not have an issue with breast feeding I public. I do not think it should deter the waiter from doing his job. I think he did the polite and respectful thing, though, and should not have been treated the way he was.

This story saddens me too - MT

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Your nephew may have been trying to be considerate but in the meantime he did not continue to perform the duties of his job. I'm not saying what they did to him was right, but he should have continued to do his job regardless of whether she was breastfeeding or not. While he was being considerate anyone at the table that needed anything just had to sit and wait until the mom was finished breastfeeding? That's just wrong.

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