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So Phil Robertson gets

Posted: Dec 19, 2013

for saying what we all knew he believed in?


it's not "his" show - it belongs to whomever produces it

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But maybe if you tell us what you're talking about...?

I do not watch this show, have seen the people - on other shows but

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did not pay that much attention to them. They are definitely not anyone that I would even think I wanted to watch. Having said that, have a news program on now and it gave a snippet of the show and the first thing I saw was "Redneck....." Anyone who watched this should have an idea what their thoughts are. I would think based on what I have seen in my life that most "rednecks" are not joining in the gay lifestyle parades, are not tolerant of other religions such as Muslins or Jewish, are not tolerant of diversity at all. I do not find it shocking at all what this man said in an interview. Wonder why others are? They are saying this is the #1 show ever- now what?

I personally - cloverport

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watch the show and love it :-). I don't understand, I mean A & E had to know what Phil Robertson's belief was on this subject as he has not made it a secret that he is a Christian and what his belief system is. Also, he was asked the question, and I believe the person asking the question knew what he was going to say, just like the incident with Kirk Cameron. It is not so much what his belief system is, it is the fact that he exercised his 1st amendment right, and if he cannot do so, then believe you me in the future we will not be able to do so. It is scary. There are many, many reality shows that I personally do not watch as I find them offensive. They are displaying, and in a way, voicing their belief system. I do not agree with them, so I do no watch the programs, but I feel they have a right to live their lifestyle the way the want, and speak what they want to speak. When censorship takes place in any revenue, we are in great danger America. He was asked... was he to lie ... and not state what he believed?

I know I know people who are all into this - show, just because

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They would love the hillbilly aspect of this. Having said that, I also know they have some gay children in the family and am wondering how they sorting this out, loving the show on 1 hand and loving the kids on the other. My, my.

well when you use homosexuality and bestiality in the same article - then go on to talk about how slaves were happy

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you have to expect some sort of reaction. Surely you don't think he did this blindly?

I think it should ALL have to do with 1st Amendment rights - Jan

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The whole system frustrates me, because technically anybody should be able to say anything they so choose if it is their belief and they say it in a non-threatening manner. People should be able to say that they don't agree with homosexuality or even that they don't like a specific race or they don't like a person with with blonde hair, I mean, it is THEIR opinion. I don't really comprehend how we began living in a country where a person's own OPINION holds so much controversy. If he made a comment and people didn't like it, then the people themselves could choose not to watch the show anymore and if the ratings dropped enough the network would drop it anyway. But, to punish a person for expressing their beliefs...not even "expressing" but more or less saying their beliefs? It is beginning to be a scary country we are living in.

I think people are confused about the First Amendment. - MTtoParalegal

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His First Amendment rights weren't violated. He exercised them by voicing his opinion, and A&E suspended him because they were losing money due to advertisers pulling out of their show, simple as that. This is capitalism. Congress made no law that resulted in suppression of his right to voice his opinion. If it had, THAT would be a violation of the First Amendment. He made some ill-advised and ignorant comments, and now he's dealing with the consequences.

People can say what they want, and people will - react accordingly. End of story.

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Freedom of speech goes both ways - For Phil and for his employer

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Phil has the right to spout his beliefs, even if they verge on hate, it is true. A&E, as his employer, has the right to terminate his employment when he spews his beliefs in a forum that is ostensibly in the guise of his employment. He would not have been interviewed by GQ if not for the show.

If he had been slighty milder and not compared homosexuality to bestiality or homosexuals to murderers, perhaps there would not be quite the hue and cry there is now. He did, though, and I personally find his views ignorant and abhorrent and a black eye on Christianity.

And no, I have never watched their show, having absolutely no desire to.

Freedom of Speech - Shel

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It's the hypocrisy at play here. Phil once was most of the things he listed, and he freely admits that. He did not compare any sin to the other, just listed sins - 1 Corinithians 6. You have the right to agree or disagree. A&E has the right to fire him if they want and the DD family has a right to pull their show now, which I think will happen. However, 'pretending' to be offended by something they knew all along to be true is a joke. It seems like now in this country, we all have a right to believe whatever we want - just not to speak it out loud. Those who don't fit in with the progressive movement in the US are pretty much told to shut their biggoted mouths while others flaunt their lifestyles in parades and on every TV show in the maintstream media. Just looking for the tolerance there. Don't exploit someone's religion for a buck and then punish them when the progressive mafia comes after you.

Its a television show--they are actors/celebrities - Progressive

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I learned a long time ago not to believe everything I read and that the main purpose of television is to make a buck by providing entertainment. If there is an exploitation of religion, I would say A & E and the duck people are equal partners. I, as a progressive, am a Christian and I feel like I cannot say anything that does not fall within the extremely narrow ultra-conservative world view.

He did not compare homosexuality to bestiality - sm

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I just read the quote straight out of the article. He was asked, "What, in your mind, is sinful?" He listed some behaviors he believes are sinful, including homosexual behavior, bestiality, and sleeping around. Then he paraphrased from 1 Corinthians chapter 6.

Agree or not, but he did not do what you claimed he did.

He may hate the sin, but he loves the sinner and says as much in the interview. What he actually said was, "We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus--whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later..." That's not hateful. It's loving.

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