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Should I get involved again?

Posted: Jun 12, 2010

I've been estranged from my now 32 year old son (he had knocked up two women at the same time, spent time in jail for car theft - I'd had it), for ten years now.  The last time I saw him or his oldest son, the son was four years old.  To keep down confusion I'm going to call these people wife A, wife B, and children 1,2,3,and 4.  When child 1 was 4, wife A was pregnant with child 2, and wife B conceived child 3 (they didn't marry for four or five more years).  At that point I had had it with his behavior and wrote him a letter telling him to find me when he got his life together. 

Since then wife A divorced him, took children 1 and 2 and disappeared.  I never met child 2, though spent lots of time with child 1 until he was about 3-1/2.  My son moved in with wife B and made child 4 with her about four years later.  So now I have a 14 year old grandson, a 10 year old grandson, a 10 year old granddaughter, and a 6 year old grandson, all of whom I have never met except for child 1.  My son has lived all this time about an hour away from me.   He got married about 3-4 years ago but I refused to go to the wedding, believing that would not be the appropriate way to reunite after so long. 

I've thought long and hard about drawing that line in the sand and if it was the right thing to do.  I've really been missing out on my grandchildren's growing up, and I do believe I would be a good influence - I mean, I'm a nice person and I have basically very good values, dont' drink or smoke, and have a stable second marriage.  I think we could be good for each other.

Now last week he turned up on Facebook and agreed to be a Facebook friend.   I saw wife A was a FB friend of his and wrote her a note and offered to befriend her.  Today she responded and accepted my friendship.  She also wrote a note saying that if we reestablish a relationship with children 1 and 2 she wants it to be consistent (which she never was when they were young) because the children  have been through so much and they don't need any more instability in their lives.  I can certainly be on board with that. 

Trouble is, in looking at her photos, I see the kind of life they are living, which looks - well - for want of a better phrase, trashy.  I've seen my own poverty stricken days but this looks more than just poverty, more like a lifestyle, the backwoods, yahoo, dirt driveway and yard, pieces of pickup trucks lying around, house filled with several unrelated adults and children, maybe - of course I don't know what the relationships are.  I don't know if she ever remarried, but she took back her maiden name.

I'm scared.  It's really early, here.  Do I really want to hook up with that kind of lifestyle again, which I managed to work my way out of and haven't lived associated with for years?  Could I be bringing on a heap of trouble?  Would the good of knowing my grandchildren 1 and 2 be worth the risk of taking this on? 

I could just let it lie - but then I'd never know, would I?  She's told them about me and says they are open to meeting me again.  The thing is, I know that if I did this it couldn't be just on my terms, on my turf.  I'd have to be willing to go be part of their lives.  That's what I'm afraid of. 

Any insight would be helpful here.  Sorry it's so long.  My son and children 2 and 3 is another story for another time, and not quite as difficult, I think.



Grandma - Linda

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One of my best friends in high school recently lost a 44-year-old son to suicide and 2 weeks later lost a 19-year-old grandson to suicide. Nephew of the son that committed suicide. It would be hard for me not to reunite with my children or grandchildren. But, you know your situation and we all have to make these difficult decisions ourselves.

Grandma - Eurosepsis

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Boy, that's a rough one. I can certainly understand both sides, the good and the bad.

I'm not usually one of those "make a list" type people, but I think you need to soul search the good and the bad with this one. You also have to consider if you befriend this person, will it jeopardize your relationship with your son if you decide to pursue that? I don't know these people so I'm just throwing that out there.

I would be questioning the same things you are. Just remember, sometimes you have to put yourself and the stability of your own life first. The grandkids are at that age where it may be too late for the positive influence, especially if there's so much else going on in their lives.

Above everything else, consider yourself and what you would be willing to put up with - worst case scenario - and keep your husband's opinion in the planning. You don't want to jeopardize your own happiness for something that might be.

Good luck!

Grandchildren - nctrans

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Before committing to the meeting.  Have serious heart to heart with your spouse.  Above all else, the spouse should be involved in your decision.

If he agrees to support your meeting the grandchildren, I would do it.  They can't help their living situation.  I think you should focus on getting to know the children rather than there is a junk car in the yard or that they live what is sounding like a redneck lifestyle.  They are probably great kids; and who knows, you might be a very positive influence in their life.  Maybe their life will gradually change for the better with you there supporting them emotionally.   

You say the kids are interested in meeting you.  That is a plus. 

Grandchildren - MT2020
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I agree with all I've heard, especially the part about the kids being older now, and having a "grandma" probably wouldn't make that much of a difference in their lives. Also, your happy now. With a stable 2nd marriage. That's worth fighting for as well. So be careful. Sometimes kids, and grandkids I imagine (mine is only 2 years old), can be a very painful area. Expectations are sometimes resentments waiting to happen. Good luck.
Thank you all for your input! - Grandma - maybe
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I'm having second thoughts. Like most of you said, what I have must be preserved. I've worked too long and hard to get to where I am, both emotionally and economically. Not sure what I'll do, but I can guarantee you it will be nothing precipitous. Slow and easy, slow and easy . . .

My advice... - Kendra

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is that if you have doubts about whether or not you should rekindle the relationship with your grandchildren, you should probably leave them alone. They are better off without you. I am not trying to be mean, but if you have already decided that they are trashy and they have made it this long without you, they'll be fine if you don't come around and at least will not have to deal with someone who had judged them before even seeing them after all of these years.

Ouch! - Grandma - maybe

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Oh, I'm not judging the kids - just the mom - remember, I knew her before she and my son divorced. They've had no choice but to live like that. If it was just the kids, I wouldn't have this dilemma. But it sounds like she hasn't changed significantly over the past ten years. No excuses here - I know I sound petty. That's why it's called a dilemma.

Again, I wasn't trying to be mean.... - Kendra

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but I had two sets of grandparents who were never around growing up. My dad's mother sent me a card once and signed it with her first name and I had no idea who she was. When I was 16, she decided that maybe she did want to be my grandmother after all, but was unable to mask her dislike for my mother, even in front of me (mind you, my parents were still together) and I really wish she had just stayed away. I haven't spoken to her in years, but she did e-mail me to ask for money a few years ago. I wish I knew who handed out my e-mail address to the woman, so we could talk about that, but at least he/she didn't give her my physical address or my phone #. On the flip side, she it the trashy one with lots of drug addict grown children always hanging around (unless they are in prison) and she did not raise my dad. I just think that if you can't go into it with an open heart, stay out. Good luck to you!

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