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Posted: Feb 4, 2010

My mom and my aunt (older ladies, nearing 80s) have always had this really keen "intiution".  They seem to always know when one needs to call or come.  They also always have seemed to "sense" when there is trouble in the family, know who's callling before they answer the phone, go to answer the phone before it rings...  My dad used to call them witches! LOL.

Once mom congratulated me on getting a promotion, TWO DAYS BEFORE I GOT IT OR KNEW ABOUT IT!

I'm just wondering if anyone else has relatives or are themselves very intuitive.  I'm really curious about this because even though it doesn't seem to have rubbed off on me or my siblings, my daughter and son are like this too.  My daughter especially so, to the degree that she spooks people sometimes with her "insight". LOL!


Spooky - Scare myself sometimes

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This may be a little different but... Some years ago I had the same dream three consecutive nights that I saw flames in my mom's house and I saw little people moving through the flames. I did warn her of this by the way. Several weeks after my dreams, her house was arsoned. My mother survived after being in a coma for 9 weeks from smoke inhalation and her brother was killed in the fire. The weird part is the detectives investigating the case told me that whoever broke into the house and started the fire were of "very small stature" based on the window they entered the house through. I was afraid to go to sleep for fear of dreaming for about five years.

Second sight? runs in Mom's family - Ellie

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Mom's family is very psychic to the point that when someone says, "I was just thinking about you" I always pray that it is something posiive. There are many instances that are way beyond the norm, so we just accept it. My sister has it, not me though. I know when she is going to call, things of that nature, but I think that is just natural when people are close.

DH was an OTR truck driver. - Backwards Typist

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I had a dream that he and his partner driver had an accident in Ohio. I called him the next night (no cell phones back then-had to wait until they got a motel) and asked if he had something to tell me. Told him about the dream of them sliding off the road and the oil on trees from the engine. Sure enough, it had happened.

When I was married to my first hubby, I dreamed he was running around on me. I laughed about it while I told him and even what she looked like. Turned out to be true.

My aunt and I always called each other when we would think about each other. Something would tell us to call.

I've had other experiences too, but too involved to get into here.

Psychics - Vikefan

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Reminds me of the song "Nobody Home" by Pink Floyd - "I've got electric light, I've got second sight. Got amazing powers of observation".

I've got it to a small degree. I get that strange feeling when the phone is going to ring and have known in advance when other things are going to happen but only bad things. I've never had a feeling something good is going to happen.

I saw a psychic (yes, I believe a small minority are truly psychic) when I was a teen. He told me things nobody else could have ever known. I had just met the man and he was from out of town so no way he knew anything in advance. He told me of turmoil in my late teens and early 20s (he was really right) and that later on in life I'd get really sick but overcome it (was in hospital twice in my early 30s due to alcoholism induced pancreatitis,but quit drinking 9 years ago and have recovered (we're never cured, we only recover). There were so many other things he said that came true. I saw another psychic a few years back who was pretty good. He said when DH got out of the military, we'd live close to family again (we had no idea where he'd find a job and we live within 45 minutes of family), and live in a city that begins with the letter C, somewhere by a river. I do live in a city beginning with C and we're right by the Ohio river. I did the card thing (regular deck, not tarot) and what was really weird was the numbers 17 were touching all over the deck. My birthday is Jan 17, hubby's is Oct. 17. The only thing he said would happen is that I would end up with a son someday. I've had a hysterectomy so I doubt that one.

Both psychics told me I have psychic abilities but I need to develop them. I never did. It's weird enough knowing when the phone is going to ring or getting that feeling somebad bad is going to happen.

I think part of it has to do with being very observative. I observe as much as I can around me as I can and ask lots of questions of things I don't know. Especially when I'm out in public, I'm aware of all my surroundings, a big part of that due to carrying a concealed weapon.

So I do believe in that. Thing is - I can't have someone ask me something and know the answer. The only time I get those feelings (and then they happen) is when my mind is clear.

Stepping in poo - dream dictionary

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My favorite is that if you dream about poo it means money is coming. If you step in it even better!

My mother claimed to be psychic to control me and my sister...

Get a dreamer's dictionary. I used to have a recurring dream of a slaughterhouse. It took me awhile to find a dictionary that had that one....no surprise, I was under too much stress.

Claiming intuition is okay in my opinion as long as it is not belonging exclusively to one person in the family and does not exclude men.

Dreams and intuition - Vikefantam

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Stepping in poo, eh? What about if you do it for real instead of having a dream about it? LOL. All I ever end up with is a dirty, smelly shoe that I have to clean. Only a couple of us dog owners on this street clean up our dogs' poo, and there is a fair amount of dogs around here, so every once in awhile, I step in some dog's poo. It's just part of having to walk dogs. I should be more careful where I step.

I think every mom tells her children she has eyes in the back of her head. When my sister-in-law was young, she kept staring at the back of her mom's head. Mom asked what she was doing and Karen replied that she was looking for the eyes in the back of her mom's head. Funny how kids think about things. I had some warped ideas about sayings when I was little because I didn't know what they meant.

I have had recurring dreams but not very often. When I have a particularly disturbing dream, I analyze it and see what's going wrong in my life that would cause me to have a dream so terrible. Usually, I can figure it out, relate the events in the dream to real life.

I did have a really awful dream one time - mobsters were making me eat glass. I woke up still chewing. I had been reading a book by John Douglas (former FBI) and it had scared me so bad that I started having nightmares. I never did finish that book.

Intuition - Andi

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Hi there. Wanted to share this with you. I strongly believe this runs in the family but not everyone is in tune with it. My younger brother, grandmother, and I are like this. Here is my story

In 1997 three days before Christmas I was scheduled to have my gallbaldder removed. While they were preping me this wierd and sad feeling came over me. I looked straight at my mom and told her that my Great Grandpa was going to die. HE had no health issues at that time and there was no reason for me to even be worried about him. She assured me it was just jitters and dismissed it. Upon awakening in the recovery area my mom informed me my Great Grandpa had passed away. I was distraught. We were so close and I always felt save and loved when being around him. Needless to say they had to sedate me again after the news. I was never allowed to attend his funeral due to the surgery and he was 10 hours from us at this time and the drive was not recommended. I have never forgiven myself for that although trying to still. I had a dream of him the next night he came to me and hugged me telling me he understood that I was not able to make it and he would not be angry with me.

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