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I wanna know

Posted: Aug 11, 2015

when they interview the thug's family why they never ask them what do you think about your chile being filmed stomping on a new car and ripping paint off of it.  All we get is I lay in bed and hug his teddy bear and know I will not see him graduate college.  He was a wonderful person.  Of course any parent would be sad, that is not news. 



So for jumping on a car, the "thug" needs to shot dead? - nm

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I want to know - why the

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reporters are tippy toeing around and not asking the hard questions of the family, well not even hard. Just not an open invite to play the sympathy card. Why exacting was your son jumping on a new car? Why did he crash through the dealership? Did you ever talk with your child about the consequences of unlawful behavior? Was your child a sociopath?

Maybe because - JC

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Nothing that young man did warranted being shot! There is a reason the officer that shot him has been let go!

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