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Does God punish? or is He just ignoring me?

Posted: Dec 1, 2009

I'm just wondering because I've had a really bad run the last few months and I pray and pray and pray and pray and every time I feel like I'm turning a corner, BAM I run headlong into another brick wall! 

I do more than pray.  I try to get off my knees and do for myself.  I've had financial problems and in answer to that I have taken a second job.  Except my soon to be ex-husband has harrassed me at my second job to the point where I'm in danger of losing my job.  I've filed an ex parte against, but what was the point really?  Whenever he violates it and I call, the police show up and he's gone.  So they take a report and act put out because they are sick of dealing with me and my ex. 

I decided to sell some items that I have sitting around in my basement and attic, only to find that my ex broke into my house when no one is home and stole the stuff I planned to sell.  I made a police report only to be told it would be hard to prove that my ex took the stuff and he probably still has a key, so no sign of breaking an entering.  So I changed the locks.

So where has God been?  I've prayed.  I've been praying for years.  Before I separated from ex, for years I prayed for my ex constantly to be a better man, better father, better husband.  He never got a job, he never stopped drinking.   I leave him thinking this must be God's will because he's not fixing my ex.  As soon as I leave, my ex starts stalking and harrassing me, calling my kids and upsetting them, breaking into my house and stealing my stuff.  So I pray some more.  Then I get hit with credit card bills for credit cards I didn't know existed.  So I pray and decide to take a second job to make money for the bills and for christmas and for my divorce.  And I decide to sell the "junk" my ex amassed while we were married, but never did anything with.  Only to have him steal it from me.

So now I'm so tired of praying, I can't even bring myself to do it.  My family tells me not lose faith in God.  That God hears us and He wants us to help ourselves.  Well, I've been trying to help myself and still I get nowhere.

So someone please explain God's plan to me because I'm totally lost, totally frustrated, and just ready to lock my bedroom door, crawl into bed, and never get up again.


There is a myth that the Bible - anna

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says, "God helps those who helps themselves." That is not in the Bible. God wants us to rely on him totally. Of course you can take steps to make things better - but don't rely on your own power for things to change. Pray daily for guidance, always do the right thing, and wait. Pray for patience. Pray for his strength. Pray for wisdom.

Tell God you don't know what to say and that you are tired of praying and that you are worn out. He understands.

I have no magic answer, but I would encourage you to hang in there and don't turn your back on God. He never promised us a smooth road. He did promise that he would never leave us.

I realize that with how tough things have become for you, those words probably sound meaningless. In your heart, do you believe them? Do you have faith that God is really in control? If you don't, then tell God you are struggling to believe in him and ask him to help you believe. Pray Lord, help my unbelief.

Don't give up.

I know how you feel. - hurting too

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After two serious car accidents (neither one my fault)and losing the man I loved to cancer, I was ready for things to get better. I ended up in an extremely emotionally abusive relationship, got unexpectedly pregnant after having given up on having children, and, while four months pregnant, got in another jaws-of-life accident (again, not my fault). I am now living with the threat that my abusive ex boyfriend will try to get custody of my only child and still being abused by him THROUGH my child. I have lost the ability to work at my old job due to pain from the car accident, and now find that the medical transcription field is NOT the up-and-coming field that they claimed when I so hopefully took the course. I still believe that God has a plan. I don't even pretend to know what that plan is, but I know that He will provide for me and my child and I don't believe that He will seperate a loving mother from her baby. I pray every day for the right job and the strength and wisdom to get through each day. We can only take it one day at a time and have faith that God knows what He has planned for us and that it is good.

Worse, He gave us free will. - willtypeforfood

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and unfortunately that means your ex has free will also and no amount of praying is going to make God "FIX" your ex. He has to want to change himself. Pray that God gives you the strength to make the right choices to change your situation for the better and distance youself from the ex. Remember the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

God never gives you more than you can bear....sm - Cyndiee

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I have had these types of "runs" that feel like "curses" several times in my lifetime, along with others I love. Believe me, it took a lot of praying in the Spirit for Wisdom and Discernment before I could really see that it is not God who gives out disease, troubles, disasters, etc., but the Devil, the father of all lies. It is the Devil's ploy to get us away from God to make us believe that God punishes, that God does not listen, when all the evil in the world, if you read scripture, is actuall the work of Satan, trying to make us bitter, unbelieveing, angry, and turn away from our God, so he can have our souls. Don't but into it. Jesus Himself never said that it would be easy, He warned us of great trials and hard work, but He also said the He would never forsake Him, that we could put all our troubles on His shoulders, and he would comfort, strengthen, and that our "crosses" were the way to Heaven. I will pray very hard for you, we are all in the same boat, I think, and stay strong, be comforted in Jesus, and every day keep giving thanks for what you DO have, and trust the HOly Spirit to help you. God bless you richly!!!

Hi - Just Me

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I just wanted to say that praying for wisdom rather than the answer I want to see has worked for me. Wisdom to sit peacefully and wait, wisdom to move ahead with something, etc. Most importantly, read your Bible every day even if it is for only 10 minutes. Reading God's word is what raises our faith level. Also, in there are instructions on what to do and sometimes it looks like just the opposite of what the world would tell us is the smart thing to do. For instance, tithing. I know it sounds crazy, but it works. I have no money, but I give it anyway and it works. I've always been able to make ends meet.

Also, pray out loud with a friend. Sets angels to flight!

Does God punish - metoo

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I do not believe God is punishing you. The enemy loves to torment God's children though. I would file for bankruptcy (my daughter had to). If you can trust your parents, add their names to house, car, etc. Good that you changed the locks. You cannot trust your ex. It is so sad to find all these things out, but honey, you have to fight for yourself and your children. I will pray for you also. Just remember God is not punishing you. He loves you unconditionally. You need some good advice about how to go forward. Maybe a good lawyer or mentor. There are many things you will have to do now. My daughter's ex tried to keep her from getting his life insurance if anything happened, but they told him no. They had been married for 13 years and she is entitled to it, of course she will have to pay the premiums when the interest runs out. Hope some of this helps you. If I can help, I will be glad to tell you what little I know.

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