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Fer cryin' out loud...........
Posted: May 24, 2010
High per glycemia. 
high per ... what???? - jj
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Ohmigod! Someone actually typed that? I am told that a lot of companies are getting rid of their old timers and brining in newbies to save money. This is what you get. I hope, while they don't want to pay the transcriptionists, they are paying their QA people big bucks to clean up this kind of crap.
I should have said..... - vickypage
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That was ASR. High per glycemia. At the beginning of a sentence. Dictator clear as a bell. arggh.
Just shaking my head. - anon
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This particular one may have been ASR, however, I get stuff like this all the time with MTs too. You'd be extremely surprised what I see from MTs that doesn't even make sense.
The worst I think I've seen is part of a side conversation transcribed into the report. No this is not ASR. This happens a lot lately too.
I am tempted to do this when I have - Kendra
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that hold side conversations often. You waste my time, why not pay for it? Of course, I never actually do it, but I sure want to sometimes.
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