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I did look it up, as a matter of fact - While FORMER president

Posted: Jul 23rd, 2024 - 5:17 pm In Reply to: Look it up - You do know how to Google , I hope

Trump may have fooled you into thinking that he wants nothing to do with Project 2025, his VP pick seems to say otherwise. JD Vance is closely tied with The Heritage Foundation, who authored Project 2025.

"Vance, however, openly has close ties with the Heritage Foundation and its founder Kevin Roberts, who told reporters Monday the organization was privately “really rooting” for Vance to be the VP pick and praised him on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday as “a man who personifies hope for our nation’s future.”

Vance has been a key champion of Roberts’ efforts to turn the Heritage Foundation “into the de facto institutional home of Trumpism,” Politico reported in a March piece, in which Roberts said the senator “is absolutely going to be one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.”

So explain that to me? If Trump wants nothing to do with Project 2025, why would he pick someone who openly supports it? And if something were to happen to Trump, JD Vance would be our new president. Who has rose colored glasses now?


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