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Look it up - You do know how to Google , I hope

Posted: Jul 23rd, 2024 - 4:27 pm In Reply to: The Heritage Foundation is the author of Project 2025 - Guess who sponsored

Trump distances himself from Project 2025 to Democrats’ dismay
Carter Schroppe
July 23, 2024 4:42 pm

Here's the highlight since you are probably too lazy to look it up. This is very, verry recent -- unlike your propaganda.

"Former President Donald Trump disavowed Project 2025 at a campaign rally over the weekend in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The denunciation was long overdue, given Democrats’ perpetual attempts to tie Trump to the sometimes controversial document of policy proposals from the Heritage Foundation." ........"What matters most here is how unfair it is to tie Trump to a policy proposal that he has neither authored nor endorsed. Though many of those who contributed to the project worked for the Trump administration, there is no clear connection between Project 2025 and Trump himself."

July 23, 2024 4:42 pm

As for YOU asuming which poster you are attacking, check yourself bully. Only one starting with namecalling was YOU.


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