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Games Board

Getting Over It - John Thomas

Posted: Feb 28th, 2024 - 4:16 am

In the realm of video games, where fantastical worlds and powerful heroes reign supreme, Getting Over It stands as a bizarre and brutally honest outlier. This game, devoid of traditional narratives and objectives, throws you into the shoes (or rather, the cauldron) of a nameless individual condemned to navigate a surreal landscape using nothing but a hammer and sheer willpower.


The world in Getting Over It is a chaotic tapestry of floating cliffs, jagged mountains, and precarious platforms. Each step is a calculated risk, demanding mastery over the physics-based controls. Your only weapon is the aforementioned hammer, which serves as both your climbing tool and your ultimate frustration. With a click and drag of the mouse, you fling the hammer, hoping it will latch onto a distant ledge, propelling you upwards. Often, however, your ascent will be met with a comedic and infuriating topple, sending you plummeting back to the valley below.


The game offers no hand-holding. There are no tutorials, no checkpoints, and no forgiving margins for error. Each failure becomes a testament to your own shortcomings, demanding introspection and a relentless spirit. Yet, amidst the frustration, a strange sense of perseverance emerges. Every successful heave and swing of the hammer becomes a tiny victory, a testament to your growing mastery over the unconventional controls.


getting over it is not a game for the faint of heart. It is a test of patience, a celebration of determination, and a reminder that sometimes, the most rewarding journeys are the most challenging ones. As you finally reach the summit, overlooking the sprawling, treacherous landscape you conquered, a sense of accomplishment washes over you. It is a victory not just over the game, but over your own limitations, proving that even with the most unconventional tools, perseverance can take you to great heights.


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