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Job eliminated - Stormy

Posted: Dec 18th, 2023 - 12:24 am

Cry Friday was my last day of work at the hospital where I have been employed since 1982. Five years ago when Central Transcription was outsourced to MModal, a few of us were able to continue working for the hospital by transferring to the main lab doing Pathology transcription. Now I find myself at a crossroads with both paths heading off a cliff. I'm not old enough to retire and have a mortgage to pay (just like many of you). I need affordable insurance but can't afford to give up the meds I need and the doctors I follow. I never had any intention of retiring and used to joke they would come in one morning and find my dead body at my desk with my fingers still on the keys. I don't know what to do. I have no tears left. I've never been so afraid. 


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