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YouTube censors doctors' video; their - professional opinions violate

Posted: Apr 29th, 2020 - 4:23 pm

YouTube's "Community Guidelines."

Two Bakersfield doctors had a press conference with local news.  They discussed the Wuhan virus and their observations re: lockdown, various precautions, negative effects on the immune response, etc.  Over 5 million people saw it.

This did not sit well with the thought police at YouTube.  The video was pulled Monday for "Violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."  In other words, wrongthink. 

Susan Wojcicki, YT's chief cook and bottle washer believes, with Mika Brzezinski, that "that's our job" to control what information you get and how to think.  She went on CNN with Brian Stelter to discuss "identifying and removing 'misinformation.'"  Translation:  Anything that differs from what we tell you.  They howl about "following the science" and "listening to the experts."  Sure--as long as it's "science" they like and "experts" they agree with.

Interesting "coincidence" at about 6:05.

Audio alert:  Extreme vocal fry and up-talk @ about 1:00.  Why anyone wants to sound like this is beyond me.



LINK/URL: YouTube censors doctors' video; their


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