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Question for Bernie supporters: Should he attack Biden on Hunter and - Ukraine/China? sm

Posted: Mar 5th, 2020 - 12:51 pm

Should Sanders call out Biden and make him explain Hunter and what happened in Ukraine and China?

If Biden is the nominee, you know Trump is going to hit him on that stuff. Should Bernie put it on the table now or ignore it?

I can see both sides of this issue:
-- No. It's fake news. Biden/Hunter did nothing illegal. Ignore it. Trump will use it because he's slime. Bernie is better than that.
-- Yes. Trump is going to harp on it. Ukraine and the Senate are investigating. Biden can't hide anymore, let's get it out and let the people decide who is the stronger candidate.

I'm curious what the Sanders supporters think of this. Would you stop supporting Bernie if he addressed these issues with Biden?


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