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I heard Biden criticizing Rush's medal. Obama performed - a publicity stunt to give Biden the

Posted: Feb 6th, 2020 - 5:28 am In Reply to: I pray that no other president has to go through this - type of abuse again, but Dems

same type of medal. Now the question: who deserves the medal? A man who revolutionized the talk radio spectrum and donated 50 million to cancer research and even more to the military? OR a man who, as Vice President, allowed his son Hunter to sit on the Board of an extremely corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company - while Joe was completely responsible for our Ukraine foreign policy?


Rush deserved the honor based solely on his charity works. Biden deserves prison time.

I saw ‘Created Equal’ today. It’s a documentary about Clarence Thomas in his own words. In one part of the movie you see clips of Joe Biden at Thomas’s nomination in the Senate. It is actually the funniest part of the movie because Quid Pro Joe looks like a total idiot.

AND someone should tell Joe to stop touching people who don’t want to be touched, especially females. 👎


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