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“The drive to impeach President Trump did not begin with - the allegations before us,” ,,,,

Posted: Feb 6th, 2020 - 5:22 am In Reply to: Manufacturing an offense to remove a guy from office - you don't like...what will the

“Here was reporting in April of 2016: ‘Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee yet… [but] impeachment is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress.”

“Here was the Washington Post headline minutes after President Trump’s inauguration: ‘The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.'”

“The articles of impeachment before us were not even the first ones House Democrats introduced,” McConnell added. “This was go-around number seven. Those previously-alleged ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’ included things like being impolite to the press and to professional athletes.”

“Their position was obvious when they openly rooted for the Mueller investigation to tear our country apart and were disappointed when the facts proved otherwise. It was obvious when they sought to impeach this President over and over.”

I have a new respect for Mitch McConnell

LINK/URL: “The drive to impeach President Trump did not begin with


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