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My favorite part...So here's Obama, "I told Putin to cut it - out." And the media applauded.

Posted: Jun 28th, 2019 - 1:01 pm In Reply to: Trump Tells Putin Not to Meddle, Media Has Cow - sm

That’s our boy, that’s our guy, that’s Obama telling Putin to cut it out, and Obama is such an imposing figure. Oh, he’s so intimidating. When Obama tells you to cut it out, you cut it out. You stop. That was the way they portrayed it.

So Trump tells Putin to stop meddling. Media’s outraged. Trump’s smiling the whole time, leaning over. Putin’s smiling the whole time. “Don’t meddle in the election, Vlad.” This is the thing these people have taken so seriously. And this was the thing that was gonna get rid of Donald Trump and they were gonna prove it. Now here’s Trump mocking them.


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