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I vote democrat and cannot stomach Trump, - but I think from what I've

Posted: Jun 28th, 2019 - 7:14 am In Reply to: What really happened at Wednesday night’s debate… - SV

heard and read, the democrats need to get their crap together. I still like Amy Klobuchar and hopefully her numbers will grow. I also like Mayor Pete. Unfortunately, she is a woman and he is gay so don't know how they would fare in an election. I like Biden but he does have a target on his back and it sounds like he didn't do well last night. I saw a clip of Harris attacking Biden on race and I'm sure that hurt him even though he worked side by side with a black president and did help promote civil rights issues.

It seems many of them are playing the race card and it is disappointing because frankly I'm tired of hearing it but the blacks love it. It was also disappointing to hear Biden, who helped form the ACA that prohibits illegals from getting insurance raised his hand when the question was asked if they support illegals getting insurance.

If things don't change, they will hand the election over to Trump and depending on who actually gets the nomination, it may be the year I just don't vote. There is absolutely nothing that would make me vote for Trump but I can't in my own heart support candidates who base their race on only blacks and freebies.

By the way, I didn't watch the video because I'm also not interested in anything that Trump re-tweeted because I'm sure it really is just propaganda.


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