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DACA was an open invitation by the Obama admin. - That's why we have so many children

Posted: Apr 4th, 2019 - 5:46 am In Reply to: Jorge Ramos says we need open borders because nobody - can really stop them from coming.

coming now. This will be an open invitation to everyone else. There are over 640 Million people in Latin America. This guy thinks there should be no immigration enforcement. No repercussions for violation.

The only thing stopping a mass wave is the distance they have to cover. If this kind of policy becomes law, they will start to rent buses and drive to get here. I used to think it was overstated when people said Dem's wanted Open Borders. That's what this amounts to. No attempt to stop it. No penalties for violation. No waiting period for violation. Squashing the agency responsible for curbing for enforcement. Wow!! and we're going to start taking on the responsibility for building their countries as well ???


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