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Migrant Admits to Killing Italian Man Because he was - "White, Happy..."

Posted: Apr 4th, 2019 - 4:50 am In Reply to: Critics slam sanctuary city policy following Jersey City - murder.

A Moroccan migrant has admitted to murdering Italian man Stefano Leo, claiming that he wanted to kill someone “young, white and Italian.”
Said Mechaout, 27, born in Morocco but a naturalised Italian citizen, confessed to the killing, which occurred on the banks of the river Po in Turin on February 23rd, claiming he had purposely been waiting to kill a white Italian near his own age, Il Giornale reports.

“I hit a white, based on the obvious fact that a young Italian would have caused a sensation,” he allegedly told police.

LINK/URL: Migrant Admits to Killing Italian Man Because he was


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