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Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson and Chicago Mayor RAhm - Emmanuel don't get it yet.

Posted: Mar 27th, 2019 - 11:17 am In Reply to: ‘We’re Weighing Our Options’ on Suing Chicago Police - says Smollett attorney

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, her former Chief of Staff Tina Chen, and Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, do get it.

It's not about fairness. It's about elites showing their power. When Mayor Emmanuel says that Jussie Smollett got special treatment, that's exactly the message that the Elite want the police, the Mayor and all of Chicago to get.

Because We Can.

The Chicago Chief of Police's outrage is 100% sincere; Rahm Emanuel's is not. Emanuel knows very well what went down and has no real problem with it, although he can't say so.


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