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Jussie's mother was a communist. Angela Davis is her - closest friend, a former Black Panther.

Posted: Mar 27th, 2019 - 11:04 am In Reply to: ‘We’re Weighing Our Options’ on Suing Chicago Police - says Smollett attorney

His mother has history of intimate involvement with communists, black supremacists, and Black Panthers, so it is no surprise that Jussie was involved in an anti-Trump hoax with his red diaper baby upbringing.

Janet Harris Smollett instilled this hate into her children. She was mentored by Julian Bond, a founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center with numerous ties to communist front groups. According to her own son, Janet was tight with the cream-of-the-crop of black radical communists, Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, and Angela Davis.

This is called black supremacy.

The other sponsor of the bill, Senator Kamala Harris just happened to be the co-chair of newly elected Cook County state attorney Kim Foxx's transition team in 2016. Foxx stated that she couldn't have been elected without Harris's help.

Foxx was so compromised by her backroom dealings with Harris, the Smollett family, and Michelle Obama that she had to recuse herself in Jussie's case.

In a New York Times article on the Smollett family, one of Jussie's siblings credits Janet as their only acting coach. Mrs. Smollett's activities in various black radical and communist groups enabled her to "coach" her kids in the art of acting and lying.

From the NYT:

They [the Smollett children] were raised in the orbit of the Black Panthers and , lately, have lent their voices to the Black Lives Matter movement, their trajectory, from child stars to successful adults, is born of their family and its history of activism.

At the end of his statement to the press on Tuesday, Jussie Smollett remained true to his mother's radical roots. As his lawyer blamed the police for jumping to conclusions, the 36-year-old reminded the family he would continue his activism. He declared his faithfulness to the "movement." Smollett knows that if not for his well connected mother and her violent friends in the Black Lives Matter "movement," the Black Panthers organization, the Obama White House, and the CPUSA, he would be heading for trial.

LINK/URL: Jussie's mother was a communist. Angela Davis is her


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