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We the People Will Fund the Wall - Sm

Posted: Jan 12th, 2019 - 10:22 am

January 11, 2019 02:18 PM Eastern Standard Time

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Heartened by the overwhelming support of fellow Americans who have donated over $20 million to the viral GoFundMe campaign “We the People Will Fund the Wall,” war hero and triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage announced the launch of a 501(c)4 called “We Build the Wall, Inc.” which will fund the private construction of a wall along the United States’ Southern Border.

“We are grateful for the President’s steadfast commitment to border security, the single most important issue plaguing our country,” said Kolfage. "Rather than subsidizing the federal government, which has betrayed the American people by obstructing President Donald Trump’s agenda, ‘We Build the Wall’ is taking the President’s signature campaign promise into our own hands. I personally will not take a penny of compensation from these donations incurred in the furtherance of this mission.”

Kolfage launched “Fund the Wall” on December 17th, and so far, the campaign has raised over $20 million from more than 330,000 American patriots across the country.

“Better equipped than our own federal government, we have made significant progress in less than a month, having begun extensive due diligence and commenced feasibility studies,” Kolfage commented. “We are already taking action on identifying the most densely crossed areas of the border, soliciting affected landowners along the Southern border, and ascertaining the willingness of border landowners to provide no or low-cost easements on their property for wall construction.”

“We Build the Wall” has assembled a board of directors led by Kolfage and engaged an impressive team of advisors to provide critical guidance on the project’s legal, engineering, contracting, environmental, accounting, maintenance, and real estate issues and serve on the advisory board and or the construction, finance and or audit committees:

Kris Kobach — Secretary Kobach served as the Secretary of State of the State of Kansas from 2011-2019. A leader in the national effort to stop voter fraud, he drafted and pushed for the Kansas Secure and Fair Elections (SAFE) Act of 2011, which made Kansas the first state in the Union to combine photo ID requirements at the polls, equivalent ID requirements for mail-in ballots, and proof of citizenship at the time of registration.

John Daniel Moran, Jr. — Mr. Moran is an American businessman, entrepreneur and industrialist best known for his role as President & CEO of Moran Industries, Inc., a premier warehousing, logistics and transportation company based in Pennsylvania that was founded in 1975.

Erik Prince — Mr. Prince is an American businessman and Navy SEAL best known as the founder of the security firm Blackwater. He serves as Chairman of Frontier Resource Group, a private equity fund investing in natural resource opportunities in frontier markets.

Dr. Robert S. Spalding III, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret.) — General Spalding is an accomplished innovator in government and a national security policy strategist. He was the chief architect of the framework for national competition in the Trump Administration’s widely praised National Security Strategy (NSS), and the Senior Director for Strategy to the President.

“Angel Dad” Steve Ronnebeck — Mr. Ronnebeck lost his 21-year-old son Grant, who was brutally executed by a criminal illegal immigrant over for a pack of cigarettes while working at a convenience store in 2015. Steve has dedicated himself to protecting other families from suffering needless tragedies at the hands of people who have no business being here in the first place through his work with the Ronnebeck Foundation. He is frequently seen campaigning with President Trump.

“Angel Mom” Mary Ann Mendoza — Ms. Mendoza lost her son Brandon in 2014, after his police car was hit by an intoxicated driver who was in the U.S. illegally. She is one of several parents who have been meeting with President Trump about how to tighten restrictions on immigrants in the country illegally.

Sara Carter — Ms. Carter is an award-winning Fox News commentator who specializes in reporting on the border and opioid crisis.

Sheriff David Clarke — Sheriff Clarke is an American former law enforcement official who served as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. He is an outspoken activist and commentator on illegal immigration.

Congressman Tom Tancredo — Mr. Tancredo is a former United States Congressman who has been referred to as Congress' most vociferous critic of current immigration policy. He served in the Reagan Administration and ran for President of the United States in the 2008 election.

"When government fails in its most important duties — protecting its citizens and preserving the country's sovereignty — We the People have the right to do it ourselves," said Kris Kobach, who led the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity with Vice President Mike Pence and helped launch the Administration’s immigration reforms.

“Our team firmly believes that we can complete our segments of the wall for less than half of the government’s estimated costs on a per mile basis, and in a much shorter time frame,” said Erik Prince, an expert in security and logistics for some of the most challenging projects across the globe.

“With millions of citizens united behind our mission, we look forward to taking a hands-on role in securing our porous Southern Border and protecting Americans from the tragedy my family suffered due to our flawed immigration system,” said Mary Ann Mendoza, whose son was killed by an illegal alien in Arizona. “We have taken it upon ourselves to prevent the illegal entry of foreign invaders who suppress our workers’ wages, bring opioids that fall into our children’s hands, and commit violent crimes."

Given the organization’s new tax-exempt status, those who have contributed to the “Fund the Wall" campaign can opt-in such that these donations will be transferred to the “We Build the Wall” fund.

To make a contribution to “We Build the Wall,” please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/TheTrumpWall. Please visit http://www.webuildthewall.us for more information.


Brian Kolfage was born in Detroit and grew up in Waikiki, Hawaii. The Air Force sent him to Iraq in 2003. He was hand-picked to perform security for high profile missions in direct support of IRAQI FREEDOM where he performed high risk combat convoy security operations ensuring all assets remained safe and secure, with zero loses. On September 11, 2004, during his second tour, his airbase in Balad, Iraq fell under rocket attack. He was thrown into the air, losing both of his legs and his right arm instantly. He remained conscious the entire time. The doctors at Walter Reed National Medical Center began to prepare Mr. Kolfage’s family for his death. He remained in a coma for three weeks but made a miraculous recovery. With incredible determination, He walked out of Walter Reed only 11 months after being injured. In 2005-2007 he worked as a United States Air Force civilian overseeing personnel security by administering the foreign travel program: briefed/outlined potential known security threats abroad--zero incidents. He masterfully oversaw a security/force protection training program for 105+ personnel. In 2017, Mr. Kolfage co-founded Military Grade Coffee Company which became a top 50 grocery product on Amazon in 1 year. He worked on Congresswoman Gabby Gifford’s Veterans Advisory Committee, from 2009-2011. Mr. Kolfage is the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war. He is driven by his love for life, his country and his family. In 2014, he earned his bachelor’s in architecture design at the University of Arizona.

LINK/URL: We the People Will Fund the Wall


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