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California illegal immigrant cop-killer may have ties to - violent gang accused of murders,

Posted: Dec 28th, 2018 - 12:38 pm

human smuggling

he illegal immigrant wanted by California cops for the murder of one of their own may have connections to a Mexican-American street gang, according to an image circulating on social media confirmed as authentic by investigators.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department – which is leading the investigation into the killing of Newman Police Cpl. Ronil Singh – posted the image, and several others, on its Twitter account early Friday morning.

“We can confirm these are pictures of the man who murdered Corporal Ronil Singh,” the department said.

“We CANNOT, however, confirm that the correct name or birth date is being put out.”

The photo shows the alleged “cop-killer” posing in a tank-top shirt, with a metal chain necklace draped around his neck and a large flaming skull tattoo visible on his right arm.

Underneath the tattoo is the word “$ur3no$,” which, according to police in Washington State, is Spanish for “southerners”.

“Sureños are a group of Mexican-American street gangs with origins in southern California (south of Bakersfield),” reads a profile on the group in a police gang recognition guide. “The gang has allegiance to the [California] prison gang, Mexican Mafia, aka “La Eme”.

Ten alleged members of the Sureños gang were charged in April for their suspected roles in seven murders in the Bay Area dating back to 2006, the Los Angeles Times reported.

LINK/URL: California illegal immigrant cop-killer may have ties to


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