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It's about time! The nightmares are really in the schools. - They take entitled to the extreme

Posted: May 4th, 2018 - 5:29 am In Reply to: 7 states file suit claiming Obama violated the Constitution - ...

and are joined by anchors and flat out illegals. There are Texas schools still under order and THREAT that we HAVE to take any Mexican citizen child into our schools or face personal prosecution. Those schools are open year round (paid for by taxpayers) dime so three meals a day are provided, AT OUR EXPENSE to illegals because Obama ORDERED IT.

I hope and pray President Trump finds out about this and ends it. They don't even have vaccination or any medical clearances, much less criminal checks. I've sent emails, snail mail and a few phone calls. There are American kids who have to take buses to other districts because there is NO ROOM FOR AMERICANS in American schools THEN, they have to PAY to go to those schools by the way, but illegals can go to any school anywhere without having to pay the change of district fees.

We feed the entire claimed family which can add up to 50 people per illegal kid, year round, and they all get EBT CARDS that can be used in Mexico, another "gift" from Obama.


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