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Pelosi lied about border wall funding in omnibus. - A House Democrat called her out on it.

Posted: Apr 27th, 2018 - 1:59 pm In Reply to: House report backs claim that FBI agents did no think Flynn - lied, despite guilty plea.

A House Democrat who represents a district along the southwest border in Texas is accusing Nancy Pelosi of lying last month when she said Democrats restricted funding for new border barriers to “see-through fencing” in the omnibus spending package.

Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, is targeting Pelosi on the issue.

“When we were passing the omnibus she said that all we were doing was funding see-through fencing - it’s just not true,” he said.

“Basically Trump’s getting what he wants, at least for these 25 miles he’s getting concrete wall,” Vela said, who is a staunch opponent of any funding for border barriers, even fencing. “It’s disingenuous for Democratic leadership to say they’re against the wall when they actually supported this kind of funding for a concrete barrier.”

LINK/URL: Pelosi lied about border wall funding in omnibus.


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