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Gab Board Latest Messages: I just watched a video on the internet about this..

People who live in glass houses - Judge not

Posted: Mar 17th, 2018 - 12:18 pm In Reply to: Shacking Up - Grandma

You know, it so depends on the people and their circumstances. My sister became pregnant out of wedlock when she was 19 by the boyfriend she had since junior high. They got married and have been together for 50 years, they both finished college and had very successful careers. I would never say that she was a s***. I have other family members who lived together before getting married and all those marriages have longevity, the maturity and commitment have to be there. One niece has lived with the same partner for at least 10 years, they chose not to get married or have children at all, does that make her a sl**? I don't think it's realistic anymore to expect someone to enter into a marriage without some sexual experience and really what a woman does with her body is her choice, not you or your mother's. You're the parent/grandparent, maybe you need to look at what you did wrong.


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