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Politics Latest Messages: Citywide transcription..

When I comes to disasters we don't ask if people - are republican, democrat, white, black,

Posted: Aug 29th, 2017 - 6:09 am In Reply to: If people would bother to do a little research - there is a reason. Per the FEMA flood map

Asian, etc. CNN should dump politics for humanity for a change.

Now is not the time for political junk. I’ve seen the Cajun navy and coasties from all over pitching in. Our mayor (like love him or hate him) has done darn good job given the circumstance. It was nice to see Texas guard roll into town. I lived in Galveston for Alicia and clear lake for Ike, never seen anything like this. That goes for both the storm and response. Don’t forget about people on the coastal bend.

I know back around the turn of the century in Galveston there was a disaster where 6000 people died.


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