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You are right, he is a curious clown and - does not represent all christinas

Posted: Aug 29th, 2017 - 6:02 am In Reply to: He's a circus clown and does not represent all Christians. - Why do you try to portray us that way?

He does, however, represent all the "TV preachers that I have ever seen." I do not portray "you" that way, I portray any TV preacher I have seen that way.

I didn't see anybody criticizing his congregation members and am sure they are dealing with their own families and neighbors.

He has apparently, after the criticism, opened his doors. At one point, he claimed he closed his doors out of fear for people trying to get there and only opened them after all the criticism. I did not see any of the other shelters saying we are not open because we fear for you safety getting there. Their safety is in danger wherever they are and if they can get to shelter where they can be safe that is great.


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