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No one has done as much for equality

Posted: Mar 1, 2016

Just ask him! He built a club in Palm Beach for everybody!

So obviously no one has done as much as him for equality.



From the grave, Senator Robert Byrd says this is a - nonissue. You remember him,

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Sheets Byrd (D).

Oh I agree it's a nonissue, I just like being - entertained!

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And Trump is only useful as a source of entertainment.

I have zero respect for ANY klan member, regardless of their political party. So what's your point?

Obama has had Muslim Brotherhood in the White House. - David Duke hasn' been in the Klan

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for 30 years, and hasn't even lived in the United States for the last 10 or 15 years. As a private citizen he has the right to say whatever he wants, there is no proof that Trump sought his endorsement.

Let's see. There is Robert Byrd, a famous Klansman and Hillary expressed her great admiration of. Then there was Hugo Black whom FDR appointed to the Supreme Court, a very solid Klansman, who wrote the“separation of church and state”ruling. Then there is Margaret Sanger, who also was a supporter of the Klan, and is a democrat hero.

But that's enough for now.

Don't forget about Lous Farrakhan, far more dangerous - today. Media doesn't seem

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to care much about that.

What does any of this have to do with - Trump's hilarious comment?

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I didn't mention david duke or the klan at all.

I was mocking Trump's comment that no one has done as much for equality as he has, which is both laughably false and very entertaining.

I hate the klan and all it's associates, regardless of what political party they are in. There are no exceptions to the rule, including Margaret Sanger. She was truly a terrible human being.

Have a great day!

I guess I don't see what's so hilarious - about it.

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That's fine! Have a great day - :)
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You too. :) - nm
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What I see is CNN trying to tie Trump in with Duke. - It's not going to work with
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Republicans are doing more damage to Trump - than CNN
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Paul Ryan's comments and Ben Sasse's long letter to the public, for example. I think enough republicans dislike him that all the media has to do is focus on them and what they have to say about it.
Make the Republican establishment. That's WHY - he's so popular. The
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establishment Republicans AKA eGOP has done nothing to stop Obama's progressive agenda and in fact helped him. Ergo, Trump.

Many people who call themselves Republicans don't support the GOP party. What good are they? They don't do what they were elected to do.

So whatever Ryan, etc. say about Trump is not going to hurt him. In fact, it will just help him. They are angry at the establishment.
Plus they've done nothing to stop this food stamp - president.
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I agree with you. GOP establishment - sm
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better get on board with Trump or kiss their careers good-bye. They brought this on themselves. The more the GOP cry, the more popular Trump becomes. Landslide victory tonight, that's why I think. Go TRUMP!

Don't forget Valerie Jarrett, Commie in Chief. - nm

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It's called propaganda. I'm not a Trump supporter, - but this is only important

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to the left, probably started by Clinton.

I wouldn't call it important so much as - hilarious

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Laughing all the way to the White House. - nm

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