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Monetary equality

Posted: Nov 6, 2010

I understand the desire to make sure that all less fortunate than most are taken care of.   However, entitlement programs are and will bankrupt this country.  We cannot afford it.

So let's look at this realistically.  Let's say we take all the money in our country and divide it between everyone.  We are all equal right?  WRONG.

The reason we aren't equal is because different people handle money and possessions differently.  If you divided everything equally eventually most people would be back to their original situation.  Some will blow all of that money and end up broke again wanting more money.  Some will stay somewhere in the middle and save their money.  Others will invest it and make more money and become rich.  This is just what happens. 

You keep handing out money and eventually more people are gonna wanna ride in the wagon than pull it.


Well said! Even Bill Clinton got that. nm - sam

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Very few choose poverty - just want a fair shake

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Everyone I know advocates for fair outcomes, recognizing that we don't all need or desire all of the same things.

However, obviously there are basic needs. A child born into poverty needs housing, nutrition, health, and an opportunity for a good education. The parents and all citizens deserve an opportunity for good and living-wage jobs. Those who are sick, disabled and elderly should be provided for.

The problem comes in when private contractors cheapen their products and endanger the livlihoods and lives of the citizens (i.e. BP/Halliburton) while pocketing the hugest profits in history, when the health insurance companies raise premium rates and deny care, but give their executives huge bonuses; when the banks and Wall Street play a bunch of card tricks, and people lose their homes, equity, and life savings, while hedge fund managers and CEO salaries are record breaking.

All for the sake of a profit, jobs are sent off shore so corporate profits are larger. Some corporations do not ensure that workers have a safe work environment (think mining disasters). They fight clean air and water regulation, and our cancer and autism rates go up. Unsafe cars are sold, as are contaminated food and drugs.

Then insult to injury, people are manipulated (by the "news" media and by donations provided by corporations and foreign contributors) to vote for politicians who then do not act on behalf of "the people" (lower and middle class).

I just want everyone to have a FAIR opportunity.

What do you consider a fair shake? Serious question. - sam

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How much "help" do you want the government to "step in" and level the playing field? Basically you are talking about class warfare...you think the government should take more from the wealthy and redistribute it to lower and middle class. That is socialism 101. And, you are wrong my friend..."the people" is every person in the United States, no matter what their class. That is what democracy is all about.

And seriously, think about this for a minute...the "rich" are also the job creators in this country. They pay over 85% of all taxes that are paid. You really think that is not enough? Why can't the government get the heck OUT of it, stop taxing the job creators to death and forcing them to offshore, and let wealth be restributed the way it is INTENDED to...through PAYCHECKS, not federal gimmes. That is way our economy is designed to work.

What socialism ends UP doing is taking out the middle class entirely, it just disappears. You have the government (who become the rich) and the worker bees, the poor. Check out how the middle class is doing in Cuba...if you can find it. Same way for Venezuela...see how the middle class is doing there. That is not being rude, that is trying to get you to do some research and not just get dragged into the old class envy thing.

Use some research materials other than the - Fox-approved Right World Universe Encyclopedia

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Sorry, but I take my Christian beliefs of caring for the sick and the poor literally. Try research the Bible.

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