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Oh please moderators

Posted: Nov 12, 2015

Oh please moderators, separate these two political factions, republicans from democrats into two different boards. I see not many conservatives are coming here to express themselves because of the constant flack and hateful comments that the left lobs at anyone differing in opinion. Some of us would like to compare the many, many candidates for president on the republican side. I for one am sick of all this nonsense. I don't much like to listen to ramblings and hateful comments blasting conservative way of thinking and using absolutely false facts if any facts at all. Let those of us who are sincerely concerned about who we elect get together and compare our candidates. This nonstop place where only the left's side seems to be heard and anyone disagreeing whether conservative or independent get jumped on come to talk freely and openly. I see this whole political board being overtaken by the left. ;

Strangely enough I came here today as an Independent thinking the far right had taken over this foru - Independent MODERATE

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I have been so tired of the new topic after new topic posted by the far right and answered by the far right, with no real discussion, just far right rhetoric. I've stopped visiting here more and more, and this week has been the worst. I want to see more MODERATES. By the way, wanting only your own viewpoint stated is not a discussion, It's a speech given to only those who agree with you. It makes me think of a dead brain. No growth. No serious but polite discussion or debate of issues. Just dead nothing. If that's what you want, I agree. Go start that forum yourself and people who will agree with everything you say will go there. I won't.

It's instructive because now you see who is running the - country. Besides, the left

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would just start posting on the conservative board, just like they post about Republican debates, as if they are going to vote for one. Well, in some states they can vote in the primaries. that's why we get the crappy candidates we get sometimes.

"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal - Democrats are the lowest

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form of politicians."

GS Patton

Yah, I'm sort of sad I don't get to vote in - Rep primary--FEEL THE BERN

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Anytime the Democratic candidate is a shoe-in, I vote in the Republican primary. I do vote for the person I consider most capable.

Thank goodness that responsibility has been alleviated this time! I would be truly stumped as to who to vote for.

My advice, just don't read the far left posts. I do occasionally - when the lie is so outrageous.

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Just remember, they are getting some of it from far left candidates. Like the "you are a socialist already" crap from Bernie Sanders.

Sadly, 2 boards would not work. - Here's why.

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The lefties have nothing of substance to discuss. Their mission is to dig up dirt, even manufacture it if they can't find it. They would not stay on their own board. They would infiltrate the right board and continue on with their vile, repugnant rhetoric because they have nothing to discuss about their own party. They just want more social programs and more sticking it to "the man." They never have anything relevant to add to any discussion.

I would love to be able to discuss the Republican candidates and perhaps see a different viewpoint on a particular candidate, but it won't happen here with all the mud slinging. Isn't it ironic how BO was never vetted? No one seemed to care about his dealings with Bill Ayers, not-so-Reverand Wright, the warped ideology he learned from his father and on and on.

That is blatantly untrue - see message

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The President was accused of not even being who he said he was. He was accused of not even being an American. He was accused of not being a Christian. He was accused of being a Moslem in disguise. He was accused of not being patriotic, never saluting the flag, never wearing a flag lapel pin for goodness' sakes! His background was researched by the regular sources then re-researched by the far right, then the Radical far right, then the craziest of the far right, who still say that he is something other than he is, some theories so weird that they are almost unspeakable.

And yet... - sm

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He has never released his college records, we have never seen his mother's passport at the time of HIS birth, he supports Islam, he will not say Islamic terrorist AND he was a drug user. Goodbye.
He has a proven known documented record at Harvard and taught constitutional law there - In addition
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His mother's PASSPORT???!! Have you seen John McCain's mother's passport? He wasn't born in the United States, right? Nobody ever asked for it and why would it even be needed or even be available? Who keeps a passport of someone from 50 years ago once they are deceased? He most definitely does not meet the rest of your accusations and yet you say people have never asked questions or vetted him. They have. The answers have been given. You may not like the answers, but the questions have been answered. You seem to be obsessed with him in a negative way and he isn't even running for president. He did, and he WON - TWICE! It really is time to get over it.
He was even editor of the Harvard Review - a position based only on merit (grades and honorable perf - Where have you been?
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Harvard has a process of selection for editor of the Harvard review, a very prestigious position that only a few ever get to hold. It's based totally on merit.
Do some research as to how he got into Harvard. - Of course, he's teflon and words don't m
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"According to a newspaper column released in 1979 by Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Obama confidente Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama might owe his success to a very controversial benefactor.

Early Obama critics will remember the particularly bizarre case of Percy Sutton, a leading African-American Civil Rights leader and entrepreneur who, while being interviewed on a New York area news program, dropped something of a bomb. Specifically, Sutton claimed that then-candidate Obama had earned his admission to Harvard thanks to the intervention of a mysterious lawyer named Khalid al-Mansour, who Sutton fingered as working for one of the wealthiest men on earth. According to Sutton, Mansour had asked him to write a letter of recommendation for Obama, and was in the process of “raising money” for Obama, though what this money could be for, he didn’t specify."

MSM response...yawn.

the blaze
President Obama's academic accomplishments are fact - nm
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Um, no they are not - nm
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There are no academic accomplishments. Everything is "sealed".
If Obama was truly a constitutional law professor, he would - know that Obamacare violates the Constitution.
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He was not a professor and it was at the U. of Chicago. He was a lecturer.
A few years ago during a State of the Union address, - Mr. Constitution quoted
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The Declaration of Independence. Problem is, he thought he was quoting the Constitution.

If you believe he's a "constitutional scholar" then you believe if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

Do you know anything about William Ayers' past? - Frank Marshall Davis, one of Obama's

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mentors? The FBI file on Davis documents his anti-white and pro-Soviet views, infiltration of the Hawaii Democratic Party, and other activities.

How about his community organizing philosophy of Saul Alinsky and his anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright.

Actually, I think BO's sycophants are THRILLED to learn that he was groomed by a communist. This was out there for anybody to bring up, but the MSM did not. Too little, too late.

True conservatives already know all this.
And yet nothing ever came from that and President Obama is not running for office - and still radical GOP members are talking and talk
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Time to move on. He won. Get over it.
Ever hear of George Soros? - sm
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Yeah, he unfortunately won twice, deceitfully, I might add. In addition to backing by the MSM and Soros money to enable the Whiner-in-Chief to go from a community organizer to president with strings pulled by a puppetmaster, there was also voter fraud involved. It was a sham! Get over that. :-)
Soros also confirmed he wants to bring down Europe's borders. - Hungarian Prime Minister
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Viktor Orban accused of this and he admitted it. Soros wants one world government and had admitted it, using immigrants as a tool.

Now back to our continuing discussion about the horrible Citizens United decision and how it’s going to destroy the political system.

Sadly, most of what he was accused of was true - Truthhurts

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There are photos where he didn't salute the flag, didn't salute the Marines who "take care of him" at the WH, didn't wear the lapel pin. Not just articles, but PHOTOS.

He did use the name Barry Soetoro (sp) when living overseas and he was called Barry in college. I think while in college is when he changed it to Barak. It's supposedly in his book.

That's because.... - sm

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#1 - He is not.
2. Technically he is not.
3. He is not.
4. He is. He even said he was. ON AIR!
5. He is not. No, he does not salute the flag.
6. Last sentence is so blatanly untrue on all accounts.

Another reason is when you try to discussion history and - Communism, they never seem

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to believe you. We tried it in 1620 with the Pilgrims. William Bradford wrote it down in Of Plymouth Plantation. Some worked harder than others, some didn't work at all, all got the same thing.

“For in this instance, community of property was found to breed much confusion and discontent; and retard much employment which would have been to the general benefit. … For the young men who were most able and fit for service objected to being forced to spend their time and strength in working for other men’s wives and children, without any recompense. …”

We all know that the free market is not perfect. It just a system and is only as good as the character of the people in it. But so is the socialist/communist system. Any time this is attempted to be discussed, it devolves into liberal buzz words like "fair share" and emotion, so how you debate that? If you disagree, you are called "uncaring, extreme, etc."

I think the answer is with the next generation, not this one. Well, I take that back, with amnesty who knows what this country will look like in 25 years.

Anyone who questioned anything about Obama was called - an attack dog and racist.

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He was never vetted in any way, shape or form. Even Tom Brokow admitted it on Charlie Rose 7 years ago.


Moderators could get the lefties off of the conservative board (not radical rights as others think) - tired of this

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Gosh, I see all we got is the left insisting they are right. See how we need another board. The moderators could get rid of the trouble makers. I want to be able to read something but constant left trying to dominate this board.

It is like all the college kids protesting such stupid stuff. They are a bunch of spoiled rotten brats who were treated with kid gloves their entire lives.

Now you see what we got.

Put in the president getting the blacks against the whites again and the police, and add in this because this seems to be common place, is it any wonder this board takes on the same persuasion, nothing but insisting that you are right, not permitting our first amendments rights to say what we will and not be attacked.

That is why I refuse to read anything posted by the left. - Truth

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There are no constructive discussions, merely hatred and intolerance of differing opinions. I honestly do not understand why there is so much hatred on the left. The right is constantly accused of hatred, racism, intolerance, blah blah; however, it is the left that seems to have a problem with anyone who does not agree with their views or opinions. This is not specific to this board - in speaking with any liberal in person it is the same thing. Again, I just do not understand the hatred. I do not agree with everything the right believes; however, I never, ever am faced with outright hatred from any conservative with whom I speak or disagree. It's just insane the amount of vile hatred coming from the left. It not only prevents any sort of intelligent discussion, it is completely destructive.

Someone posted a video - modern education I think it was called, although it was misspelled intentionally. That video is spot on in so many sad ways. There is no room for actual education nor is there room for freedom of thought or speech out of fear it will offend someone. It is no surprise that anyone under 30 is unable to handle life. It is just going to get worse, mark my words.

I wouldn't brag about never reading anything unless it's written by someone you already ag - Not exactly something to be proud about

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Intelligent people learn from others with differing views.

Brag? Sigh...I'm sorry you missed my point, however - see msg. - Truth

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my point is to engage in an intelligent discussion, a give and take rather than simply being on the receiving end of vile spew. As I stated in my post, pretty clearly, I often disagree with conservatives, particularly on some of their strongest points; however, it is within an intelligent conversation without these conservatives resorting to screaming expletives or false accusations. THAT was my point and yes, I am quite proud of the ability to discern between intelligent discussion and hate fueled moronic drivel. :D

I just remember they have institutionalized lying - and it's almost an art form.

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They believe the ends justify the ends argument.

Research has shown that GOP gets news totally from Fox which is most often wrong - but they dont know it

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What research? Most conservatives get their news from - the Internet. Fox is part of the MSM.

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I haven't even had cable TV for 3 years.
Most of my conservative friends live and breathe by Fox - See inside for research findings
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They found that someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all.

According to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newest PublicMind survey.

Researchers asked 1,185 random nationwide respondents what news sources they had consumed in the past week and then asked them questions about events in the U.S. and abroad.

Actually that is not correct. - sm

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First, conservatives get their news from many places. They also watch liberal sites too so they can make an informed decision. Unlike democrats who will only listen to MSLSD and CNN. And they are most often wrong and simply lie to the people and make up things.

You might be on to something. At least with a Republican board - we wouldn't have to weed through

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stupidity like "bumper sticker" and "haters hater" and stuff like that. We might have an intelligent conversation.

Not going to happen - Moderator

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The board is a political board. There are a few trolls who are going after other posters and I am getting rid of them. Everyone should be able to discuss politics without the name calling. I am not here to delete people's opinion, only their insults.

Everyone is free to write whatever they want about politics.

Please just refrain from the insults.

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