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you know what bothers me about this HCR?

Posted: Mar 21, 2010

Everything is "historic." Yet, the point the dems are making are those who lost their insurance when they got sick. Well, I must tell you, we were not dropped when my husband got sick. We had private health insurance and when he needed an aortic valve replacement, he got it. Sure, we couldn't afford what the insurance company would not pay which, may I add, I could have fought it and the hospital bill because of things that were in it that I didn't think belonged in that hsoptial bill. But, along came a Community Care Program that takes care of people like us. In return, we give so much towards that program every year now to help others.

Another thing I can't understand, why are some of these poiliticians talking about how their own family members have problems with insurance when we all know they have the best insurance in the world?

The point is we were not denied, we were not dropped. Our insurance went up $25 a month the following year to the tune of $625, but that was the norm. It was raised every year by at least $25. We even got a certificate of insurance from the first company when I became an employee of a national MT company and that insurance company did not deny us, nor did we pay more because of hubby's pre-existing condition. We recieve the same co-pays as everyone else.

We now have 4 certificates of insurance (since my company changes every year) that can be used for any insurance company and they must insure us at a reasonable rate.

The major problem with this bill is it is NOT doing anything about tort reform; i.e., frivolous lawsuits, etc. That should be the first step along with the pre-existing conditions. It should NOT reduce payments to those health care institutes and physicians that care for us.  Why is this so hard to understand?

I also saw where the next item on the agenda is IMMIGRATION REFORM. My, could it be that this has something to do with HCR? Think about it. If they give ammesty to those that have children born here but they are illegal, how many illegals will be given ammesty and also have to pay into HCR? That surely will help pay for HCR but also bloat the system again. It's a definite no-win situation.

I say start over. Take the best of the dems and allow the pubs to give their input. Not be one-sided as it has been.

End of my opinion and vent.



Yes!.. "Historic" does not equal "a good thing"! - MN

[ In Reply To ..]
This Govt needs to be overthrown by the people.. obviously not working FOR the people!

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