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disrespect to US

Posted: Nov 18, 2016

i dont understand the disrespect from the actors who commented on leaving the US if Trump won, the players sitting on the sideline while the national anthem plays, the beating of a man in Chicago for voting for Trump, burning of the flag, the insults to a man who was running for President - when did all of this disrespect start.

to live here in a free country is a privilege. gotta wonder what kind of people these are.  i think they make us look like a country out of control.  

hard to teach your child how great the US is when the news has so many horrible things daily.  it was not like that for me growing up, we respected all candidates, the national anthem, the flag and freedom who you voted for.  


It started when we were divided as hyphenated Americans, - plus a victim mentality.

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Some politicians exploit that for votes, but lose the majority of middle America.

Thank goodness I raised my sons the right way. - anon

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They're observing all of this rioting and protests and insults against our new President with disgust. They'll survive quite well as self-sufficient, informed, responsible young men in a sea of crybullies.

Hippies, feminism, entitled attitudes, lack of parenting, cowardly liberalism. - Takeyourpick

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My kids were taught to deal with things, not hug their - teddy bears and sip cocoa in their

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safe places as adults...

And certainly not riot in the streets.

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