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Posted: Sep 5, 2012
You just can't make this stuff up.

I heard they are all over the convention. - Disgusting Democrats.
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Hey, thanks to the pubs, uterus, uterus, uterus and more uterus - has been politicized.
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Pat yourself on the back for the self-inflicted disgust.
You can't blame Repubs for Dums classless - actions""Know you try hard tho
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since accountability is a foreign word to any Dum.
What?!! The "uterus" is a political issue on the LEFT, not right. - The INFANT is the issue on the right.
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That's all you hear on the left: "It's MY UTERUS and I have the right to say what happens inside MY UTERUS."
On the right, you'll hear defense of the UNBORN CHILD.
That's right - Sick of the parade of the pink vaginas - ::praising abortions sick of paying for them, too
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Dems/Libs never saw an abortion they would not perform..look at the list of baby-killers Obama surrounds himself with.
They have no problem killing a child at its most vulnerable, then spew their crap about how compassionate they are..Why? 'Cause you did not shoot the baby in the head....just ground it up like meat.
Yeah - keep patting yourself on the back; murder of a chld something really to be proud of if you're a Lib so it seems; but scream bloody murder about capital punishment. Difference, the baby's never been convicted of a crime.
They won't save unborn babies - sm
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because women have a right to not be burdened by the baby they helped create..which is really what abortion boils down to for most people...not all...but most. I do have more sympathy for those who were raped.
Don't you dare mistreat an animal and we should all become vegans because butchered animals are mistreated. Don't you dare put a man on death row to death either. He is a human being don'tcha know.
I find their thinking dizzying in this regard. Yes, kill your unborn child because it inconveniences you and you don't want it but don't you dare kill crimals who have killed other people or poor defenseless animals.
If you don't want a baby, keep your legs closed and don't let a man near your pink vagina.
these are not official campaign gear - this is simply free enterprise
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Maybe so, but it's the Dims selling them.::: - nm
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