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What's the scoop on why

Posted: Feb 12, 2013

gas prices of skyrocketed again? Surely Obama has a handle on things and will fix it. Soon. Maybe. ;

Have you seen this? - He's got his hands full

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and is not doing too well. Widest positive gap is only 9 points. Widest negatives are much more.

Obama Rated Highest on Foreign Affairs, Lowest on Deficit


um, so what? - Fairminded

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Polls will swing all over the place for him over the next four years. But polls are just snapshots at best of the feeling in the country, so ? value of discussion

the president isn't allowed to set gas prices - doe

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that would be a dictatorship. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

Ummm...post was probably satire, don't ya think? - ?

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Satire is supposed to be clever and - funny.

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Not just some random statement.
Good satire is supposed to be clever and funny and - VP
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thought provoking. You're supposed to laugh while at the same time have a bad taste in your mouth and think deeper into the situation being satirized.

IMO, the original post does NOT qualify.

Ummm...maybe you need to brush up on what satire is. - mmhmm

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Don't ya think?

Obama is not God, he does NOT control price of gasoline. DOH! NM - anon

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Chill - satire

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There was a "lecture" in a previous thread from dems on this post about satire. Apparently they didn't recognize it here.

Anything "ironical" is not necessarily satire. There's an art to it. - like with most everything

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Roger Ebert has revealed the purpose behind the peculiar creationist Q&A he posted the other day. I had suggested it was either poorly done satire or his site had been hacked. Ebert has now confessed that it was poorly done satire.

He didn’t say it was poorly done, of course. He says he was trying to show that people have lost their ability to detect satire, that we’re unable to sense the ‘invisible quotation marks’ that surround such exercises, in the absence of overt declarations that it is satirical.

To sense the irony, you have to sense the invisible quotation marks. I suspect quotation marks may be growing imperceptible to us. We may be leaving an age of irony and entering an age of credulity. In a time of shortened attention spans and instant gratification, trained by web surfing and movies with an average shot length of seconds, we absorb rather than contemplate. We want to gobble all the food on the plate, instead of considering each bite. We accept rather than select.

There is a little truth to that — one of the things I really deplore about internet communications, for instance, is the use of those ghastly little smilies. It’s an admission of an inability to communicate — the words are insufficient, so crude labels are required. It’s a symptom of a lack of trust in the readers perceptivity.

But I also think Ebert is fundamentally wrong. He’s trying to place the fault on the reader, and I think there’s a serious flaw in his thinking there.  ....

lecture : ) - doe

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I certainly hope you didn't take my post below about satire to be a lecture! If so, let me revise it by saying: GOOD satire is good for us.

Anyway, I didn't take the original post here to be satire, but perhaps you're right.

Yet when Bush was president and gas prices went through the roof - you and others were screaming

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"why doesn't the President do something about it?"

I so get a kick out of libs who do an about face when it's THEIR favorite guy - and they just HATE the opposition and make nasty remarks and attack with all they've got. But, and that's a big but, when THEIR favorite guy is criticized, they attack.

Tit for tat I say. You all jumped all over the Republican Presidents (note the 's') now it's OUR turn.

Good day to you.

How do you know the poster you are responding - to was screaming anything?

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You don't know who they are, how can you say "you and others were screaming," about something that happened what, 8 years ago? Come on.
Libs are still "screaming" - about Bush any chance they get.
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They can't let go of their wrong assumptions.
I wish people would consider they are talking to - real people on this board.
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I think you should take a moment to consider the word "assumptions" and what you've assumed about someone you've never met.
You just made an assumption - Horrors!!
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An interesting article on - Fanatical Hypocrite

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the American oil industry and what effects prices here at home and abroad.


There isn't much Obama can do about any of it. He's at the whims of a cruel universe that gave us just enough fossil fuels to hang ourselves.

The nation's run on whims of ignorant electorate and - greedy business. Oil is not our only

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source of power and will eventually be right up there with wood energy in our everyday lives.

BTW, we should all remember the petroleum products are in almost everything we buy one way or the other. We don't just burn it.

Whether you believe it or not, wood and coal are making a comeback - can't afford oil or electric

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I read a long, long time ago that what is going on is the government is holding out on our oil until the oil producing countries run low or even out of supply, then the U.S. will have those countries by the balls (sorry for the grossness) and can charge them an arm and a leg.

Don't know how true it is but it does make sense as the reason they won't allow more drilling.
Please. For us, that oil companies will be selling - American oil to the world is irrelevant.
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At least for those of us who can't afford to cruise around at $5 or more a gallon. It will enrich those who own the rights to American oil, but that's not the American people because we give those rights away to the oil companies.

The world as you know it and your life have already changed big time, there's no going back, and it has nothing to do with something as temporary as a Democrat the White House.

The notion that we in general can turn to wood to light and heat our homes is beyond absurd, and I say that as someone who HAS an EPA-certified wood furnace and uses it to heat her home--with wood cut from her own woods.

Coal's still around, but we've arrived at a major crisis point climate-wise, and you SHOULD hope we learn to use hand fans and sit in the shade before we start amping up our use of coal again. We have to save ourselves, and it will take sacrifices, some willing for some of us, but most eventually forced on everybody by what we have brought ourselves to. What we see now is just the beginning.

Thank goodness we finally have someone addressing this from the White House. The ship of state has been heading for the rocks for some time now. It's too late to keep from hitting them, but at least we're taking steps to handle the emergency.

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